We just accepting that this game is 60% bots?

What a chicken crap, shill for Blizz answer this was.

haha. so funny. u r not wrong, big problem, lots of bots in da bgs.

botting is a huge problem in da game. it does feel even worse than before. y do people bot? for gold?

da way dis operation works is dat gold operations hire people to farm n run bot accounts. typically from countries dat have lower cost of monthy subscriptions, like venezuela.

buying da gold from da farmers/botters at whole sale prices, sometimes employing them with a weekly pay check or housing if dat works more in da gdkps favor.

da gold is dumped into a randomly named guild bank. da buyer joins da guild on an alt n is given da appropriate rank to withdraw certain limits of gold they have purchased.

take a look at dis guild asking for da gold cap to be raised.
Gold cap too low . plus da same guild asking for nerfs Nerf Ulduar.

haha. here is a photo of a guilds guild master telling buyers in da gold selling discord how to get priority spots in da gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. green is gdkp leader.

imgur. com/a/yboW7Pw

a guild officer dat also sells gold on a discord while also running a gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discords.

imgur. com/a/YdnNCOj

screenshot of dat same guilds gdkp discord promoting da same gold selling discord. haha. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. yellow is leader.

imgur. com/a/GyQcgZf

dis one gold farming operation had 45,000,000 gold sold in tbc classic with da price of 12 usd dollars per 1000 gold.

540,000 usd real life money earned through one gdkp selling gold to people. no one can say dis does not ruin da spirit of classic n promote pay to win culture. too much gold in da game from bots.

think about all da other gold farming operations on da classic servers. dis is just one example.

u see not only bots in da bgs. also in instances n da open world. big problem.

it looks like da botters r using bgs to level because no action against da bots there.

haha. so funny.

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