"we feel that the min max meta limits choices."

Neither do I. As long as we can swap between them whenever we want. That’s good design.

I’d probably attach a small gold cost to respeccing but only just enough to discourage respeccing for individual fights like how it was before.

It would also help function as a minor gold sink, which wouldn’t exactly be bad for the game either.

Hands out a rifle, knife and one grenade to each player. There we are all the same.

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Is that really necessary? There are plenty other goldsinks.

And what is the point of discouraging swapping between each fight? Why is that a problem?

there is no problem to be solved though you never were forced to run meta talents you could always create your own group and do what ever you wanted in game. blizzard is trying to solve a nonexistent issue.


It wouldn’t be meant to be overly harsh, but the economy has suffered pretty rampant inflation as it is. Granted the damage can’t be fully undone, but it would help to have it there.

The reason why I don’t like individual fight respeccing is that it makes the choice largely irrelevant as a choice and more of a math formula. There is essentially no trade off for making a choice because you can change that choice for every fight with ease.

At which point why even bother having the choice?

The trade off is changing your playstyle as you switch builds

It’s not changing your playstyle in most cases, it’s just picking the correct answers to the current math equation that is the boss you’re about to pull.

Changing your playstyle would be something like Surrender to Madness, but those talents are few and far between.

For which specs, exactly? Almost everyone has a talent that gives a new button or changes something

That’s not exactly much of a change in playstyle that you hit 1 extra button and it’s still goes back to the whole “It’s not a choice as much as it’s just the correct answer to an equation”.

That undermines the entire point of what making a choice is supposed to be about, at which point they might as well just not have the choice anymore.

It’s amazing that such a simple solution is right there, but they aren’t taking it.

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The only way I can think of doing that off the top of my head is to shut off the pipeline of raw data to all addons, websites, etc.

Im not arguing for or against the monumental impact, for better or worse, just suggesting one way it might be done.

Not to me. Picking what’s best for a certain encounter is a meaningful choice. Idk what to tell you.

As in, give us every talent baseline???

You’d think the guy who keeps trying to deflect concern by disingenuously saying “ITs JusT lIkE aN RpG u gais!” would realize that RPGs are notoriously min/maxed.

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So you want the impossible then? As long as there are multiple choices min/maxing will always exist. Even of data is limited players could just test things out for themselves in game and find which is best. There is no way min/maxing will ever stop. Not to mention, plenty of people have fun min/maxing. Who are you to tell them their fun is invalid?

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Not give us every talent but design classes so that we have the tools we need without the busywork of changing things between fights.

Right now talents feel like little more than busywork to me.

If nothing else not being able to respec for individual fights would make players have to actually make a choice about where to focus their character for the raid.


Remember all those problems we had with the game when we could freely switch talents and glyphs without any stupid grinds? Wasn’t that horrible, having something just work?

That was so much worse than what we have now, totally.

I swear, Ion’s only contribution to WoW is adding speed bumps nobody asked for.


This is actually an interesting point about the perception of balance and how it is more important than the balance itself. Say 2 specs (lets call them A and B) for a class are decently balanced (lets say spec B is typically about 3% behind spec A in potential output). Knowing that +3% is better than -3%, most of the players trying to push for the highest numbers are going to switch to spec A. This is natural and fine, but now you’ve created a situation where the highest performance players are all in one group which will make the balance look worse than it is. Now typical practical output shifts to something like spec A outperforming spec B by 10-15%.

But here is the kicker:

Now a group leader will have a much more important piece of data than potential damage done. Now the group leader knows that the “good” players play spec A and that someone playing spec B could swap to spec A at any time they like and is choosing not to; this causes them to draw the conclusion that this player is a “bad” player.

I also wasn’t saying Ion’s system is good so I’m not sure what this has to do with my argument.

I’m pretty sure I started this thread by specifically saying that the approach in Shadowlands isn’t good.

Don’t mistake me not agreeing with the people who want free swapping for me agreeing with how Shadowlands will do it.

I wonder now that they are linking RP choices and player power will I now be able to up my dps by roleplaying harder?