"we feel that the min max meta limits choices."

“to combat this limiting of choices, we will further limit your choices.”


You cant even make this stuff up. :laughing:



“the meta at the top is limiting. instead of balancing better, and bringing up under performing classes, we will add another tier of BIS attributes, why should all druids be able to heal m+”


Unless everything is the exact same, you’ll have min-maxers.

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I can see where they are coming from though.


And that’s the key: make everything the same.

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Personally, I prefer to max-min my meta.


“This is an RPG, we want people to be able to play the way they want”

  • Playerbase finds the way they want to play

“We don’t like the way you are playing”


and then hear whining about homogenization…


“To combat this limiting of choices, we will create so many systems and so much depth that it will be incredibly difficult to create, much less enforce, the perfect meta choice, especially for each individual situation.”


It’s semantics but for as much as the term is being thrown around, min/maxing isn’t the entirety of what’s going on here.

Min/maxing happens in D&D where there are no respecs for any part of your character. Min/maxing is just optimizing your character for a specific task, which isn’t going away.

In a game governed by numbers, you can’t get rid of min/maxing. It’s literally impossible.

What Blizzard specifically seems to want to break is that in WoW it no longer is “optimizing your character for a specific task” but rather “optimizing your character for every task” because we can so easily change most aspects of our builds.

I don’t think covenants are a good way of doing that, but I do think that the way it’s become isn’t healthy for the game as a whole.

If Blizzard were serious about it though, they’d need to overhaul classes again. The current talent system is just fundamentally designed around constantly switching for the very specific thing you’re currently doing.


No worries, they’ll open it up sooner or later.
The whiners saying others are ‘spiting’ them will get their wish.

A) Choose the covenant.

B) Then choose the skill out of the four that goes with that covenant for your spec.
(Give each covenant the same skills but with a nice fancy names that suits their theme.)

C) Now you have made 2 meaningful choices and ended this whole conflict.

D) Go enjoy a frozen beverage on the beach.


That would mean that all classes and specs can fulfill the same roles, not necessarily that they play exactly the same. Longwriter would say that Healadins should be able to do at least some AoE healing like other specs can, and not be just a single target or two-target healer.

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Thing is, there’s no evidence that there’s a level of balance good enough to effectively mitigate the problem they’re claiming to be trying to solve. This is especially true for the cargo-culting masses who don’t even do anything for performance reasons, and are actually just lemmings following the lead of MDI entrants, leading edge guilds, streamers, etc. Even if balance were near-perfect (~0.5-1% margins) and good enough that only mythic raiders and people pushing +20 had to care, you’d still have low and midrange players mindlessly copying their top-end peers.


Why can’t they just balance the talents…feels BFA man.

I’m all for player choice. Just balance the talents blizz.



They are going to give player agency by limiting player agency. Welcome to the world that makes no sense anymore. :+1: :thinking:

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How long until Ralph shows up and says something buck wild, do you think.


Here’s the thing that gets me: the reason the devs did away from the old talent trees and gave us our current talent system was to create new talents with choices that were stylistic choices above anything else; I guess you could call it a “meaningful” choice.

And here we are with two straight expansions with under-performing talents and no balance passes so everybody was basically shoehorned into the same build for every class. Instead of just fixing talents and basic class functionality, they decided to create convoluted systems that just magnified the problems they were trying to fix.


“Wait. That’s illegal.”