Or you know they have a different opinion than you. You realize the amount of players who respecced back in vanilla was few and far between right? Heck majority of folks couldn’t even afford an epic mount back then let alone the cost for constantly swapping specs.
And? It could still be done.
How poorly can I play and still get CE
The max minners dream
Instead of keybinds, they type “/cast” into chat. Just max-minner things!
Cause that really worked well for BFA.
Virtually limitless combinations of Azerite Traits, Essences and Corruptions, and people still worked out a best build.
They click from the spell book
The real max-minning is doing nothing the entire tier and then just buying a carry during the last week.
Restriction breeds creativity. Limiting choices means you have to be creative to achieve your desired results within those constraints.
Never do creative work if you can’t understand that concept.
This isn’t work, this is a game. If people want to find creative ways to use things they can, but that shouldn’t mean other’s gameplay should suffer for it.
======the point=====>
No, I got the point. It just wasn’t a point that applied to a game, where the goal is to have fun.
The op posits that limiting our options would restrict our choices. But our choices are not limited by the NUMBER of options available. They’re limited by the ease with which we can change our minds at any point in time, and by the simplicity of those choices which gives a clear “best option” which the community then enforces.
By limiting how regularly we can change our options and making determining “optimal” more complex, you give room for players to choose what they WANT, since it can’t be proved to be sub-optimal.
Not that we’re all that limited. There are 81 soulbind paths you can choose between at any time, so not being able to swap the conduits in those paths is hardly game-breaking.
81 soulbind paths to choose is an awful idea if they affect your gameplay in anyway. We know this to be true because BFA leaves a “wanting” feeling that feels bad. I dont’ understand why they are not giving the player everything so whatever you’re playing feels complete and good?
I felt more complete in Legion than BFA.
Fixed that for you.
No. For the majority it will be limited by their mastery of the huge mass of data they have available for research purposes on outside websites, but which they are being discouraged from using because “thats’s thing min maxers do, and you shouldn’t want to do anything those tryhards do”.
Only the best players are going to be able to keep this stuff straight. For the rest it will fail hard, and I have to think that is intended. No way am I going to want to try to do all this stuff on my main, a guardian, since the spec is broken and it appears will stay broken throughout the expansion, bar some later band-aid fix that fixes it only partially and I would have to grind for.
So hello?
The community will enforce a “best option” regardless of how easy it is to switch, or whether your option is better in a different scenario. People aren’t going to care you picked your Covenant for PvP if they’re looking for someone for M+ for example.
People aren’t going to give up finding the optimal Covenant setup simply because it’s hard to change. In a game as numbers based as WoW is, and will continue to be, it’s largely trivial to prove stuff as sub-optimal with how many tools like Raidbots are out there.
There could be 1000 soulbind paths, but it doesn’t change the fact that most of them will suck. The hundreds, if not thousands of possible talent options in any given expansion have pretty much always boiled down to one or two optimal paths and the rest discarded.
“Bring the class (covenant)” returns in all it’s glory with dungeon buffs (and probably raids will have them later aswell)
I sure can’t wait for the “LF MoTS NF ONLY” groups in LFG or the “no-one will invite me to a dungeon as a < wrong covenant> < class>” threads on GD.
I hope they atleast will go “we need all covenants in equal amount” so crappy covenant players wont just be ditched for an entire patch
This is an mmoRPG, if you want everything equal and the same then perhaps the mmoRPG genre isn’t for you.

I sure can’t wait for the “LF MoTS NF ONLY” groups in LFG or the “no-one will invite me to a dungeon as a < wrong covenant> < class>” threads on GD.
You mean like since literally day 1 of this game? Players have always wanted certain specs, classes, and talents for certain content.