"we feel that the min max meta limits choices."

You don’t need to balance talents with old talent trees. Talents didn’t fight with each other. Nowadays you have a lot of dead talents that they are not fixing for 4-5 years already?

So from cookie cutter builds we came to… cookie cutter builds minus normal class mechanics?


Lol. Min maxers will still be there in shadowlands and if you play a class with a covenant that is not meta for your spec and try to pug the chances are you will be laughed out of the group for trolling. There will still be warcraft logs and the same way we saw Arcane Mage at the bottom we will see a Night Fae Ref Paladin at the bottom and just ignore them or auto decline. (Not that this is the indication just using examples)

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A lot of talents on most trees should be baseline and something exciting should replace them. This is a game and is ment to be fun. Idk why blizz has a hard time understanding that.

Adding a gcd to things and dead talents aren’t fun at all…


They make those “not fun” changes because of the MDI and some times rated pvp. They have to keep the 4 people watching both those events entertained by not seeing the exact same comp of classes every time. And it just hurts the rest of us.


I tried to make a game a while back called sticks and stones.

There are two groups.

Group A can only look under sticks, and group B can only look under stones.

Unfortunately the stick people constantly complained that the stone people were getting more drops, so then I would slightly boost the drop rate for stick people.

But then the stone people would get mad, so I tried to compensate by slightly increasing how fast stone people could look under stones.

The stick people got pissed because their gameplay was slow, so I added a little fireworks sparkle explosion to make looking under sticks more fun.

Now the stone people were pissed because quickly looking under more stones was less fun than having a fireworks sparkle animation.

In the end I just burned the whole thing down.

Sadly, I couldn’t balance sticks and stones. :frowning:

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“We don’t want players to have to resort to using simulations to determine whether or not an item is an upgrade”

“THiS TRiNKeT HaS a SMaLL CHaNCe To PRoC aN eFFeCT THaT DaMaGeS FoR BeTWeeN 5,000 and 50,000; TeNDS To PRoC MoRe oFTeN aGaiNST PLaYeRS”


IKR? Wouldn’t it be awesome if it was more like the old days where classes had hard counters and strengths/weaknesses? Nowadays it’s mostly what class you play and if it’s geared.

In classic my undergeared firemage can still 1 shot you :joy:. Why can’t we have that in retail?

I swear if classic wasn’t as clunky as it is I’d just play that. I don’t like the batching and the clunkyness though.

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At this point I am convinced the dev team lives on another planet… That video of ion explaining about someone getting denied a group for the wrong covenant choice is a fantasy. Then it swaps to the covenant buff from picking one that’s a huge buff to your party. Like what is this clown fest?


it needs to be more limiting.

the classes get un fun and boring and stuff gets taken away if ballancing exist i rather things be broken personally.

or don’t . tbh i think everything needs to be unballanced some classes god mod but shouldnt be the ideal choices for endgame content.

I sorta agree about the imbalance just in a different way. Every class should shine at something.

Like some should be great at aoe, some at st, some should have awesome utility.

It feels really bad when one class/ spec can literally do everything better.

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It is cool in a raid if each boss has something that makes a particular class stand out on that boss, and over the course of the raid every class gets a chance to shine.

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So do I. But it’s like watching a full grown adult say “Fire is hot” and then they jump into a volcano.

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We feel incomplete and it feels bad. IDK how to describe it better than that. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle. That’s why we feel incomplete. The gamplay literally feels incomplete. It’s not about dmg meters, u literally r left with a “wanting” feeling in BFA. The mop talents r the threshold i think. With how gearing works, we can only stomach mop talents+gearing before it starts to feel bad.

Nobody ever accused the design team of being smart.


Is this a new quote from somewhere I presume?
Honestly it is right in a way, their perspective just isn’t the same as yours.

In a world with flexible covenants there is a right choice for M+, a right choice for each raid encounter, and a right choice for PvP etc etc. Since you can swap them there is no real reason not to use the “correct” choice.
Ie there is no freedom of choice.

In a world where you can only make one choice you have to sit with that decision, so realistically you will see Druids running Night Fae, Kyrian, Maldraxxus, and Venthyr in raids, because they simply don’t have the option to not be their initial choice.

Tbh I would prefer not to play blue generic class instead of red generic class as my player options.


WEll, according to Legion, I’m THE head shaman mama. so I should be able to master every aspect of my class/spec. Switching from AoE focused to ST focused, for a shaman as powerful as Legion said I am, that should be child’s play, right?

Funny thing is, it will still be done. “Oh, you aren’t kyrian? Sorry, we’ll be taking this other mage, they are kyrian.”


Blizz doing their thing as usual.

“We want ilvl upgrade to feel like an upgrade.”

proceed to introduce Corruption

“There will be no more AP in Shadowlands.”

“…But there’s this one little thing that isn’t named as Anima Power.”


Way its become? When did you join? It’s been like this since vanilla.

It’s perfectly fine and people love it which is why its utterly bizarre that they are so against it.

It’s also utterly bizarre that it’s even a topic of discussion. There’s a clear right and wrong answer. If you’re against swapping the abilities then the school system has failed you.

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That’s how it should be. It’s been like that forever.