We dont want LFD in wrath!

Bro you sound jaded. You want someone to play with? I got 70 paladin on alliance and horde. Id be down to level a new character. Let me be your Alladin and show you a whole new world.


If you’re gonna rip off a cartoon, at least spell his name correctly.

If they add lfd I’m going to spam it and level soooo many alts, and if they don’t I’m going to sell my prot pally tank runs or reserve the orbs. So either way idc but I’m leaning more towards wanting it in at some point.


If you play TBC Classic then you are no longer the “Classic Community”.


Yeah im not cool with WOW TOKENS or LFD in my game. I notice alot of the people on the forums dont actually play the game and just play more on the forums. NO LFD and NO WOW token. time to stand up for the game. IF you want LFD Retail is there for you. Especially since LFD came out very end of Lich King

This guy plays shirtless…100% guarantee. Whats the point when its just going to be drenched with the torrent of sweat flowing from his hard-workin’ muscles?

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How do you know our play time?

Yeah im not cool with LFD or boost or wow tokens in my game. The forum posters are ruining Classic who dont play this game

Pretty sure we play the game.

There is no need for LFD in Wrath something that was not in the game till very end of expansion. This is absurd and non of the people who played classic want this. This is retail players and forum people who dont play

Oh you play on dead pagle… sorry everyone left to benediction… i get it now bro. Your anger and rage is justified

It was in for 49% of it.


fixing the wrongs of the past

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Lol im a dad gamer who plays maybe 10 hrs during the week lol

Well clearly you weren’t around for the past, so…

You got my vote no LFD BLizzard boost or WOW tokens in this game

You are forum poster you dont play this game dont ruin it for others

Do you not realize that people know you’re obviously someone who’s already posted on this thread on another character? Do you not realize that Blizzard can tell that?

Right! I don’t play. I’m just level 70, talking to a level 13.

go back to retail chief.

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