We dont want LFD in wrath!

When someone says “everyone,” yes, I tend to include EVERYONE. Most people would say, “I knew a lot of people.”

Regardless, I really don’t think opening pandora’s box is a good idea. I think if they improve the LFG tool and spread people out between more servers we could see an amazing experience for everyone. Even you can finally understand the Classic Community experience and know “a lot of people” on your server!

I agree that mega servers destroy the community, but there’s no real way to enforce a server cap that doesn’t just create other issues like friends being unable to play with each other, or absurd queues. They are a better alternative than simply not being able to play.

But the other reasons they exist is exactly to try to ease the pain of finding people to play with. After my first server died, I wasn’t going to risk that a second time, especially with blizz going out of their way to continue to make it painful to be on small servers to enforce a community feel that hasn’t existed in classic from the start.

At this point they are just pushing for people to stick to mega servers by keeping things like LFD out.

In the current age of meta gaming, no one is going to choose a server with a worse grouping situation for something as intangible as “community.”

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Most of your “improvements” are already part of the tool though…?

I know a lot of people on my realm. That doesn’t mean there’s a community. It means I sometimes see familiar names. I don’t ask them out to Tim Horton’s on Saturday morning for a coffee.

Honestly since the no advertising in /4 its there but not as rampant. Lol there was mage boosting back in 2007 and and servers where smaller but community was still there.

Free character and guild transfers to Low/Medium Pop realms and put a que. We live in an age of Discord, guilds will transfer off the realm if theres a que especially if said transfer was free for everyone

There is no need for LFD, boost or WOW tokens in this game. This came out the last patch of the game and killed immersion next to flying mounts. Clearly there is a large voice of small group of people on the forums demanding this who wont even play this game past a year. To add to that most of the people arguing for this play on the forums more then the game. Perhaps retail is for you

There was Mage boosting in 2004, as well. It was nowhere as popular as it is today because we were all new to the game and didn’t mind spending plenty of time questing and levelling up together, as a community.

Today, that doesn’t happen.

Second last patch… are you guys really this dense?

But you can NO ONE. But he cant say everyone lol??

Ummm, what?

Again mankrik has a great lvling atmosphere… sorry your server blows??

So you can find groups for RFK or maybe even WC at 3:21 in the morning?

I dont want LFD or wow Tokens in my game. Like the other guy said half the people on the forums dont even actually play the game they just sit on the forums all day rather then playing the game.

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Assuming things is no way to go through life, son.

Yah sure ill prove it friday night on my day off

I wait with bated breath.

Yeah I dont want LFD in my game cause a bunch of people who play on the forums rather then the actual game complain. No need for this perhaps if you want LFD retail is the game for you.

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Oh my goodness. I haven’t heard that before. Did you just think of that now?

I agree no need for this or WOW TOKENS in this game. GO back to retail .