We dont want LFD in wrath!

(Jacques Cousteau voice): two posts later

The cleverest trolls know to make intentional changes to their formatting, punctuation, grammar, etc when switching between alts. You better than this!

Aww, cute. Switching back and forth huh?

so if people dont agree with your opinions your saying they are all the same people. Also you are on a level 10 account.

It’s not that hard to see that it’s the same person.

It seems you have angered some alts lol

That doesn’t really fix anything, and never really has. You can’t force people to go to another server. Few people want to voluntarily move to a server with a low population. They chose the high population realm for a reason.

Enforcing a queue on them just means that you are creating a different bad play experience on them.

At this point, they should just let us group and guild up with anyone for instanced content regardless of realm.

At least that way, a “low population” world is beneficial for the lower resource competition (because they also inexplicably haven’t scaled those while massively increasing the population capacity).

It’s a lame multiplayer environment when unlike with most games, you can’t play with friends because you found out you picked different servers on character creation. It’s a dated concept, and we are seeing tons of reasons in the classic series why it just doesn’t work with modern gamers.

So you think we should have a retail-like experience where you can invite people from other realms to play with?

You’re literally almost petitioning for us to receive more retail features.

You really believe whatever you want don’t ya?
I want a clean and better LFG tool that people will enjoy using. Don’t think I’m asking for anything crazy here

Of course you are. Most players that only play 10 hours a week will typically shout on forums about ‘the effort’ other players are putting in…sorry bro but you are such a stereotype.

I believe what I see. Which is you wanting a retail feature in Lich King “Classic”

No I’m saying you the same person because I think…wait for it…you’re the same person

I agree with you though…I am on a lvl10 toon…good call. And its the only toon I’ll use to post in this thread.

LFG is a Tbc feature. I want to see it improved so I don’t have to use LFG Bulletin board

With RETAIL flexibility. RETAIL. RETAIL. The LFG tool currently in Beta is NOT a TBC feature. It’s a RETAIL feature.

Yeah I used retail as an example of a polished LFG tool, just because I want a polished LFG tool doesn’t mean I want every wow feature ever added. Hence why I’m against RDF

Im not allowed to call out lazy gamerz… if i play 10 hrs during the week and i can still get things done via LFG chat or tool than shouldnt the mega chads who play 4-6 hrs a day be able to do the same?

You literally quoted “I’m advocating to have an LFG system with the same flexibility as retail”

Thus, advocating for a retail feature.

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I really want to understand where you’re coming from, but it’s like talking to a brick wall. I hope we get to play a better wotlk when it releases.

Oh look another person with 0 logs who doesn’t even play the game trying to pretend like their opinion matters, cute.

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Not sure how you can’t understand. I put it as basic as I could.