We dont want LFD in wrath!

But it did give us another avenue to find groups, so it would technically be a QoL addition.

If that’s the case than I’m not anti-QoL, I’m anti cross-realm features that kill realm community.

Do you have any quotes from people defending it?

I don’t understand all of the fervor for keeping 5 man PvE grouping a bad experience, or at least one that puts unnecessary blocks in front of the players to do.

It’s not like anyone is on a crusade to make sure battleground queueing from cities goes away, and that it’s only grouping from that server…

And why? Because we generally recognize that the cross realm and queueing aspect of BGs makes the game better.

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Sorry to break it to you, but EVERY community is gone. There is no community left - if there was, we wouldn’t have seen boosting take off like it did. We wouldn’t see a need for so much ‘pugging’. We wouldn’t see gatekeeping.


30k pop megaservers say what? Tell me you don’t actually play classic without saying it.

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Bc the population of people who pvp is dwarfed by the PVE community. Can we agree on this?

Cross-realm Bgs are an unfortunate case, I wish we lived in a world where we can que BGs without cross-realm but we just don’t. It’s a lot more difficult to get 10 Horde and 10 Alliance together than 5 Players from the same faction.

I agree that megaservers are a problem and there should be much smaller population caps to solve it

You realize that Cross-Realm battlegrounds started in Vanilla, right, when they had millions of subs, and continued on into their record-breaking years?

That… doesn’t actually answer my comment. Not sure why you replied to it.

I believe the megaservers are why it feels like there isn’t community, if you play on a medium pop realm I think you would be surprised to find a community of names and characters.

This guy keeps bringing up ‘effort’…he’s a hard-workin’ man!


No… Even on smaller servers there isn’t a community. At all. Again, we wouldn’t have seen the mage boosting take off like it did if there was. We’d have rallied against it and levelled together. But did we? Nope. Because there’s no sense of community in this game at all.


I know todays gamer wants to put in the least ammount

I played on a medium pop realm called Kurinnaxx in Classic and everyone knew each other.

Mankrik is awesome… alliance maybe is the problem?

Interesting how you’d know 1,000-3,000 people.

However, the reality is that we’re talking about TBC Classic, since that’s current.

No Mage boosting on Mankrik at all?

I knew anyone who wanted to be known. I dueled a lot, qued premade bgs, raided in a guild. You remember name when there’s drama, stories, and rival guilds

So, you didn’t know everybody? You’re exaggerating to try and make your point more valid? psst… it’s not working

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Did you really think I ment I knew everyone on my server? You really aren’t good on picking up on nuance.