We dont want LFD in wrath!

no match making system, no game-managed queue.

This is false there isnt even scrolling on retails LFG tool. Again we get you guys want to put the least ammount of effort into what you do. If they add a teleport to dungeon button after the group is full will you guys stop whining?

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Classic and TBC had plenty of changes. Some I don’t agree with like the boost and store mount. The reason why now it’s a hot topic to make changes to make it seem more Classic is because we’re progressing to expansions that created features that were anti-community/anti-mmo

I really like Classic and I want whats best for it, I think including features that clearly damage the social aspect of an MMO would be the beginning of the death of the Classic series. Would you say Classic would’ve been better if it had RDF?

So, if more groups are listed than what fits in that screen, you don’t have to scroll to see the other groups listed? Do they just get the shaft?


But in neither version did we take anything away. Adding a boost in TBC is the same (technically not as bad as a 70 boost because we at least had to level 58-60) as the boost we are getting soon. Lich King is taking away a HUGE feature.

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Are you even on beta? Have you tried the new tool? You still spend more time forming and heading to dungeons than running them, its a crap system.


looking at other contemporary MMO’s can show that this is a lie.


Even at max lvl there will be certain dungeons you want to target for BiS. You select only those dungeons. Only tbose dungeons show up on the list… not hard to use. Again sorry a lil bit of effort is required

There wasn’t any big QoL features added in TBC so there wasn’t changes necessary

I don’t actively play other MMOs, I only play wow. I can tell you being able to play with people from different realms is a HUGE negative to what Classic wow is.

Im not even Anti RDF honestly but the ammount of rage based on this LFG is getting rediculous

Bruh your still 64, get off the forums and go level. No one cares about the opinion of someone not even playing the game.

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What are you even talking about?

Did Classic/Vanilla have the LFG tool?

There are several key differences:

No cross realm, so have fun transferring off your dying realm to do dungeons. Also good luck finding groups for low level content people just boost past. Don’t bother trying to build groups off peak hours either.

It requires active involvement to build the group, limiting how free you are to do other things while pulling everything together.

It keeps you limited to whatever heroic daily feature they put in (likely the challenges they mentioned) to 1 per day, with the first guild group that gets you, where the RDF just let you queue up another random.

It makes it even harder to get into groups for certain disliked heroics if you need something from them (like the Oculus).

Even the lack of teleporting basically holds you hostage while your group builds because you need people to go there to get everyone summoned/inside once the group finishes.

The random dungeon finder made the game better for an aspect of the game that really should never have been difficult to get groups for in the first place.

I’d even be fine with the LFR tool (in future expansions) if it didn’t put everyone in an easier than normal version of the raid. That one actively damaged the guild structure by eliminating the need for organized groups from progression.

Im level 70. Forums havent upated it

LFG tool doesn’t allow you to play with players cross realm

That’s not what I’m saying. You said that TBC didn’t offer any QoL changes - so I asked if Classic/Vanilla had the LFG tool that TBC did/does.

so broader socialization is bad? got it. Keep it out of classic and TBCC, its part of what wrath was and existed during a very high point in subs and player activity that lasted til Q2 in Cata.
Other successful MMO’s have a matchmaking tool in addition to a LFG style tool and have deep communities, WoW no longer has that because the players killed it, not RDF.

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I wouldn’t say LFG is a QoL, especially since its extremely underused due to it’s awful design. Like I said I want them to improve the LFG tool

I find it hilarious the people who defended the 58 boost bc who cares about the old world. Are raging bc RDF wont be there to help them run old world dungeons??? Like come bruh