We don't want flying

Screw your zombae and scourge-lite edglords.

The older devs were objectively better that the current ones.

No flying wouldn’t be a complete fix since there’s just a laundry list of problems with wow right now but giving us flying and letting us have fun the way the players want to have fun would go a long way.


There is no mistake in dismissing it. Everyone in this thread does still or has at one point in time gone and farmed old content and I’ll bet all my gold on that. They have no issues doing that until it revolves around getting flight, at which point they stomp their feet like a toddler throwing a tantrum, and that is plainly seen in all these threads

Flying itself should have never been held hostage. I’ve got pathfinder in WoD, Legion, and part 1 in BFA and I’m all for taking this ridiculousness away and giving flying to people like it used to be.


Now you’re making assumptions about player behavior with no data. I’m sorry but at this point I don’t think you’re actually interested in having a discussion but merely in pushing your agenda without regards to reality or proper analysis; as such I’m going to disengage at this time as this is no longer a productive discussion.


Nobody asked you!

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Thats why WOD kept the population numbers high throughout its run


You’re assuming your negative post would carry more weight than all the others? Besides the only people who are reading it are current WoW players. Maybe some bored ones that have quit? Personally if I was dissatisfied with a product I’d feel it was my responsibility to share that with people and why. The devs are gonna do what they’re gonna do either way though

Voicing personal opinion - I don’t care about flight.

What I do care about is personal accountability. You should speak for you and only you. It’s fine to not want something. And I’m the first one to tell people to get over something and view it in another way that’ll make their life easier. I speak curtly to people. But I will never speak for people.

You shouldn’t either.


And what’s my agenda? Please inform me and quote me where I said what you’re going to claim what I said

No? You are making another baseless assumption.

I absolutely do not think my post would carry more weight than any other posts. I simply do not want to do it as it has the “potential” to carry “any” “weight” at all. i do not wish to harm a company for any reason when they have not morally wronged me.

So why would i take the chance to make a post that had any potential of harming their bottom line beyond my own decision? I wouldn’t,I currently own one businesse & vested interest in another in real life. I side with the business owner on many things,And the consumer on very few.

I do not feel it is my responsibility to do anything for anyone outside of my family or close friends. My social contract only extends as far as i deem necessary.

And as you said the devs are going to do what they are going to do either way. They have proven that much over and over.

A few people in history are credited with saying this:
The definition of insanity are doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

Well,The time for me suggesting blizzard/activision do X is over,It is not that i am a pessimist or cynical that i do not believe they care/listen, their previous actions are what i based my findings on.

But i still know there are passionate developers/people working there that care,therefor i do not want to do anything to harm their earning.

It’s also why the game is still here. Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion and now BfA have all at one point or another been the “death” of WoW. It’s still here and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere

Your opinion isn’t harming them though or their ability to earn

Read the tweet in that topic that was quoted. Your opinion isn’t getting anyone fired. Mine or anyone else’s opinion wouldn’t either

First of all many peoples opinion have gotten many people fired. watch the news literally any day of the week peoples opinions are getting people fired constantly and also making people quit,you can watch what ghostcrawler said as to why he left wow in depth in some of his youtube videos for instance. so Touche. But i was not talking about firings.

And yes peoples ability to earn are affected by how many consumers consume said product,less consumers = cuts to employees as they downsize to fit market demand. you are not looking at the overall picture. my point is.i would never want anyone to quit something they enjoy on even the slightest chance my opinion resonated with them and fostered frustration or a slew of other emotions that affected their consumer purchase.

i explained that above.


I don’t necessarily disagree with much you have to say other than how you say it. Although we do disagree on many counts.

For instance. You only use statistics that solidify your position,But even then those statistics are only a small part of an overall picture.

There are other things to take into consideration with pathfinder.

Such as.

the graphs of WOD subs during wod and the huge dropoff. a simple google will suffice as it blocks me from posting links for some reason?

etcetera. There are even more aspects that have an effect on those statistics you posted.

You could then extrapolate a change to your statistics based on how many continued to play,many quit,which is a normal lifecycle after a expansion release,which means many of those never attempted pathfinder either as they saw the content not worth their time for whatever reason.

anyway off to bed i go i need a nap lmao. take care.

:musical_note: We don’t need no aviation.
We don’t need no ground control. :notes:

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And they wonder why we always want to “punt a gnome”.

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No; simply scrolling around will show your OPINION very well.

Honestly, the quality of trolls in this forums has declined, and seriously.
(Except me, of course)

:musical_note: Nothing but classic
In your launcher :musical_note:

Groundhogs leave them birds alone!


I do. I’m just willing to wait for it to be incorporated and to work for it once it is.

While I agree with that I just tend to wonder how much of what’s said here is actually seen by them

The only statistics I have are what’s available. I have no position on flight other than being apathetic towards it. I just don’t care either way. I use it when it’s available and when it’s not I obviously don’t in current content.

I’m not trying to say they’re full proof either and I apologize if it comes off that way, but under the circumstances it’s the only available data we have and it’s not like Blizzard is going to release their completion metrics for pathfinder

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