Translation I can’t or I won’t because I’m too lazy
/Freeze frame high five
Blizzard should have stolen an idea from DAOC years ago, which is, you can dismount from a flightpath at ANY time… just make it either give you a parachute or glider…
And yet, speaking only for myself…flying does make for lasting fun. It frees up more time to get around, allowing me to see much more of the world the developers have built for us…and on more of the characters I’ve created. As I’ve said many times before, flight is freedom in it’s purest form.
The definition of `fun’ is obviously very different for individual players…so it is more than a little pretentious to claim you know what will, or will not, generate enjoyment and good memories for anyone but yourself.
I think you have a right to share your opinion about why you are no longer happy with a product. After all, if people just leave without saying anything, and many people are leaving because of the same thing, how is the company going to know what is wrong and why people are leaving? I don’t make “i’m leaving” posts either, but I do share my feelings in threads that are about the topics that are the causes for me choosing to leave. (This thread for example)
While the forums are a place where people do tend to get headed and rant (I am guilty of this myself) I still feel like your opinion about your dissatisfaction with a product is valid. As long as you are sharing your thoughts in a respectful way, I don’t think you should feel in the wrong for it. There is even an off chance you could save the company by giving them information that could help them see what is wrong, and they can then go about making changes to fix the issue if it’s an issue a lot of people are also having. If people aren’t aware of a problem, they can’t fix it. If that makes sense.
I totally disagree with the OP. But why was their post flagged and hidden? It is no different than a “I want flying” post.
I really hope you are right. If Blizz wanted they could just make flying and non flying servers. But then it would truly show the anti fly peeps up for there lack of conviction.
whooh i’m a bit late
punts OP into cooking fire
Hah, flagged because lazy people want to avoid content they say doesn’t exist. Classic.
I’d be willing to bet every single person that’s against flying is a hypocrite. They take to the skies the second its available. If being grounded was truly fun for them they’d still be using ground mounts when flying is available.
I wish they’d split the servers like that. I bet the no flying servers would be ghost towns.
if by ‘content’ you mean hidden pathways up tall cliffs, windy mountain roads filled with hostile mobs and annoyingly spread out NPCs (Zuldazar city cough cough) then okay
Do you kill every mob from point A to point B? If you don’t then you’re skipping content.
It’s such a ridiculous argument and needs to be put to rest. Flying doesn’t skip content. Flying gets you TO content.
You don’t need to kill every mob between A and B if you are smart about how you get between the two. Flying takes away the need to be smart about it and allows you to just skip to wherever you want to go with no chance of danger
Lol that’s a good one. Prot spec and run straight through. Veng spec and run straight through. Much strategy involved there.
They do have PvP zones where flying is not enabled. Battlegrounds and arenas.
If you mean for entire servers that have warmode enabled, that would be a different conversation to have with someone that actually does PvP. I don’t have a dog in that fight since I don’t PvP.
I think you miss understood me, I am for flying and the flight master whistle. But if people want flying removed then remove it all, flight master whistle, flying and all flight paths,
That way they have to walk thru every thing both ways and skip nothing. if they are against flying then they are against all forms skipping content.
classic content skipping explanation
I’m going to start by saying that I am 100% PRO-Flight. I also 1000% LOVE Pathfinder because I think there is value in interacting with the world from the ground for a while.
But you are acting as though there is no world to interact with that is above ground and unreachable via the “natural” pathways. You would be wrong.
There are, literally, thousands of things I find once I can further explore the world with flight. For me, content is also exploration. And exploration happens both from the ground and in the air.
I will give you that the game is quite amazing on the ground. I go so far as to make a point of finding all the little treasures, “Easter eggs”, pathways, achievement related “hidden” items, etc. before I can fly because those things loose their value to me if I can just mount up and fly to them…the value is in the search.
But the “hidden” world that can’t be found without flight also has value. The views. The detail of the architecture. The skeletons and trees at the tops of mountains or on those little ledges that no path will take you to. Even the “needle” in the middle of Dalaran has places to explore that can’t be reached via any kind of ground or “automatic” travel (such as flight paths or the whistle or a portal).
Negating all the things that can be found because of flight because some whiners in the forums can’t give you a reason to have it other than convenience is, frankly, quite disingenuous.
I seem to recall a certain new Game Director who didn’t want flying either. The result was one of the biggest PR disasters in company history.
Where are you getting these numbers?