We DoNt WaNt CaTa

You and your alt hopping. Just comical. Always claim to “ignore everything I ever say”…and yet talk to everyone else on any forum I post on…and talk about exactly what I say. And also…why does it take well over half a dozen of you to go against just one insignificant me? I’m blocked by you and by all the others here…yet you all comment on everything that I say…make up your mind you idiot troll. Am I blocked and you are unable to read anything that I say and you have quit replying or aren’t I?

Make up your mind, quit alt hopping, and quit pretending you ignore everything that I say and then turn around and make direct replies to everyone around you…about every little thing that I say.

Learn what a rhetoric is…it’s in there.

more people on cata beta than sod phase 2 and phase 3, lol people quiting sod with all the dumb decisions being made. gaslight more


dude, you didnt check one realm because it doesnt exist.
thats a region-wide reward, not a server reward.

If Cata Classic is going to be like what they did to Wrath Classic by “retailifying” it, then its not going to last long.

It already had poorly designed aspects of it, Tol’Barad, underwater combat that was dropped pretty quickly, worse catch up system, guild killer raids, rewards not fitting the difficulty… thats just off the top of my head.

Wrath Classic also didnt do well considering it had 600k that did Naxx, and just fell off in phase 2 and continued to fall off.

That’s what we call “schizo ramblings”, specifically the “alt hopping” part.

Oh, they’ll destroy it. When it was announced at Blizzcon, she emphatically said…”With changes!!!” To absolute silence.

Oh, was it addressing me? LOL. Who’s my alt now? Is it you? Maybe that troll is. More like another obsessed fan.

Hey forum mods, I give you 100% authorization to list any other characters I’m posting on. Hint: there’s none.

Well, that’s just a lie. It wasn’t absolute silence:


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Supposedly me, even though we’ve went at each other like last month lmao. I agree now, these parts are amusing.

Shut up. That is really the only insult that you know how to say. You and Zaalg. That loser is the only friend that you have here to come and back you up. He too is a known pathological liar just like you. See Zaalg even lying saying that Cata was announced to total silence? Both like to come at me as much as possible.

Nope. I’ve always stated the two of you as being different which is more proof of your lies as well as his own. You two are similar, but different. You’re a level 80 forum troll. He’s a level 23 forum troll. Thats the main difference between you two. You two are so similar that you think other people think you are both different.

You know how you can tell if someone is alt posting here? You block their account…and all their alts get blocked as well when you only blocked one person…also…there is an addon to find alts who post here.

And you are leagues above Zaalg. Notice…he went out of his way to side with you…you didn’t go to him. He is posting now. Get ready for more Zaalg suckup to you. You two might be btag friends soon if he keeps this up. he needs someone

That guy is a pathological liar and a forum troll. He has been at it for months now.

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It’s not even an insult you knob. It’s an attack on the structure and premise of your posts. You almost never address what is being said, instead going off on a schizo tangent.

I never said that you were schizo.

That’s the difference.

Stop being dumb. Put the glue down.



I don’t dislike the guy. Idk if I’d go that far. I don’t like the company of wow classic players, really wouldn’t call them “friend”.

You continue to waste your time on that troll. What else do you call someone who continues to insist Wintergrasp was an instanced, cross-realm bg in original Wrath? :rofl: I just find that so funny. That’s someone orbiting the Earth, insisting it’s flat.

Anyway, I don’t know who he’ll fixate on when I’m gone from the forums. :cry:

Everything that you post, erodes massive chunks of my brain.


I’m sorry but I cant take anyone serious when they say someone else’s posts erode their brain when that person ends almost half of their posts with lol or lmfao or rofl… only a young nervous school girl talks like that.

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I call them an idiot.

I’m wasting my time on the forums as a whole, whether it’s an actual conversation or poking Aovona for being a drooler, it’s being wasted.

You really can’t help but to humble brag that you’re around 50, huh.


We think we do and we absolutely DO want permanent wrath classic servers lol.
It’s all about having more options.

And era is dead for vanilla because vanilla was stupid compared to wrath. Hence why I never cloned toons for vanilla, but would gladly clone all my wrath classic toons to permanent wrath classic servers day 1. Not a big fan of season of master or classic plus or classic hardcore. I would compromise for a classic wrath som or classic wrath plus. Which I think could work.

People are so afraid of getting permanent wrath servers and so against the idea for some reason. And I don’t really understand why. Like are you afraid no one is going to be playing with you in cata or something. And why does it bother any of you anti permanent wrath classic folks if permanent wrath classic servers are ghost towns or not. I think it is a bit of an exaggeration anyways.

I just find it odd. We can’t have permanent wrath classic servers because of a bunch of people saying it won’t work out. Like I will continue to whine and complain about it then until they give us what we want.

I mean, we asked nicely for a while. Now it is in demanding mode. And it isn’t going to stop until permanent wrath classic servers happen. Period.

I know good Wrath private server. They didn’t give us the actual version of Wrath that we had in the past. There is one up and running that is a legit exact duplicate copy of what came before. Seems like lots are going for that now. Everyone here on the forums who troll how dead Wrath Classic is…um that’s cuz there already IS a Wrath server up and running. So… Im not promoting it. Just telling you that there are still options. It launched as soon as Cata was announced.

Vanilla Era servers died so quickly because most people left for TBC and most people like to play in a world with others. Seeing Stormwind being empty at peak times where just last week/month it was a thriving hub can put a damper on your will to play.

Saying that Vanilla Classic was stupid and WotLK isn’t is just a bad argument, I enjoyed Vanilla Classic much more than I did WotLK.

No one is afraid of WotLK Era servers, I and others are just trying to get it through to people like you why they’re not going to be adding it, apart from Blizzard themselves saying that they’re not going to be hosting WotLK Era servers.

  • Player Retention
  • The Spin
  • Trophies on the Wall
  • The Precedence of TBC
  • Server Cost to Player Ratio
  • Spread too thin

So many posts saying why and you’re just rejecting all of it? What will it take for you to understand why, an offical post from Blizzard?

No, we’re not getting WotLK Era servers because Blizzard doesn’t want to host them because it’d be a blackhole for money.


I prefer LK way more than vanilla, but you know this sentence you said is a lie.

No, idc if they exist or not. What I’m tired of is people trying to convince others for perma wrath servers but regurgitating trash can takes about cata. Hence why I mock the “muh leveling zones in the old world” argument people love to pull against cata for whatever reason. It has nothing to do with being “anti lkc servers”.

I can not describe how badly I don’t want most of this playerbase around me.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha sure

The decision to have or not to have an era server for WoTLK has been based on financial decision inside the company.

If you think that a population of less than 5% of the wow community (aka: forum users) is going to sway Blizzard to or not to do era servers is only fooling yourself.