We DoNt WaNt CaTa

Boosters using bots can. You forget…YOU play be the rules. Some random booster? They don’t have to. So that’s what happened. And also, ratings being so far above 3k now when you look at how many games that have been played, not near as many as those who have far less rating. I never once said anyone got to 4k legit.

im not talking about anything else other than the fact that it has never been even close to 4k

there are several reasons for it being that inflated and yours probably hold some credit

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You seem to think that I am saying that these super high ratings were done by normal people using normal skills and tactics. n If you buy an R1 from a site, and people are already at 3k+ naturally, your only choice is to boost higher. People boosted, they got banned for it. There have been ban waves in Wrath already.

Why are you still wasting time on that clown? I put it on ignore after an hour long discussion where it still kept insisting original Wrath’s Wintergrasp was an instanced, cross-realm battleground. It was of course none of those things. In 20 years on the forums I’ve never seen someone so committed to being factually, provably wrong about something.

There’s no helping such a person. Feel free to waste your time, but it’s literally incapable of admitting it’s wrong.

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no, i dont think any of that. i just said it has never been even close to 4k.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Zaalg kept going out of his to start random arguments with me and kept losing them. He kept getting proven wrong. Thats why he put me on ignore and cuz I told him that I was ignoring him and i quit replying to him so that guy is still raging at me as much as he possibly can. And the fact that you randomly had Zaalg side with you out of the blue tells me exactly the type of person who I am dealing with here. So yea dont need to keep talking to you anymore.

And also… with a post history of 4 total posts, coming randomly right out of the blue to talk to me and then having Zaalg pop up as soon as that new posting toon you hopped on had difficulty with me… I guess it is time to see yet another toon with zero posting history pop up randomly out of the blue and then Zaalg will randomly appear as soon as that toon starts to have trouble.

Okay so in a day or two I see yet another 0 post history toon come up and then have Zaalg come randomly out of the blue on that toon’s thread too? With Zaalg claiming to have bloc ked me, yet responding to every thread that I make ever, no matter what it is.

Yet another forum alt popping up out of the blue. Give it a week or two and I bet no one will ever see that posting toon ever again.

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I don’t even remember what I ignored Aovona for but judging from the responses here I can wager it was a good reason

3.3, which was the ICC patch. But there was still an entire year from there to Cata launch so it was also the halfway point

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You’re literally delusional - you gave yourself away by saying Grobbulus had separate ratings. I have checked the ladder basically every day since wotlk dropped and it has NEVER been 4k. Boosters also have nothing to do with inflation especially at those levels.

Post on main and stop larping as someone who does arena.


I said those ratings were there when I checked on it at one time. I never said what every other server had. Only said what one single server that I checked on had when I checked on it. Bliz banned some people and fixed the ratings. That is a fact.

So you got gladiator cuz you dueled a ton? The only way to get good at PvP is if you duel a ton.

No. H+s were more easy to form groups for than raids are…oh but thats right…this is Wrath Classic.

H+. WoW tokens. Server xfers that are up all the time as well as faction changes which was not the case last time. No battlegroups.
No arena teams. Lots of micro transactions.

Level 80 level boosts. And people like you get mad at me when I HATE WoTLK classic. To you this is the way it always was. You have never played WoW before WoW tokens came in as I have never once seen you say one negative thing about them…but… WQoW did no begin with them.

That’s not the issue.

You’re just unbelievably annoying.


Annoying? Nah. Very amusing…for a while. But eventually just a bore. When trolls become too obvious, the fun of toying with them is lost.


That’s the thing, I really doubt this person is a troll. Like my favorite half mix Shaman main who’s been MIA recently, I truly feel like this person is also dead serious.

My annoyance is their memory. They remember things, just backwards and opposite, every time.

I do find the schizo rants amusing though, like a verbal car crash, I will keep staring.

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. No one can be that clueless and ignorant….right?

I’m the opposite. It’s easier to believe they’re just outright dumb over malicious. To each their own though, I can’t prove either in Aovona’s case, but, I choose to believe they lack a few crayons over thinking they’re this invested into their own bull.

Oh I’ve had them on ignore for a long while, well them a one or two others that spew nonsense. :slight_smile:

I look forward to it see you in sod, p4 sod will destroy what little people would possibly play cata. Between sod, mop, and cata itself, it will be absolutely destroyed.

20 man raids and what looks like a challenging raid may well kill sod in P3

If it’s more ‘challenging’ than Gnomer there will indeed be an even bigger exodus. The Classic team apparently learned nothing from SoM’s failure. Appealing to the e-sport crowd never ends well.