We DoNt WaNt CaTa

You didn’t do Heroic+ dungeons, did you?

no, its called cata, and its happening in 2 weeks from now :kissing_heart:

Oh, was someone gatekeeping you in WoTLK dungeons? Details please.

:rofl: Two weeks…?

well, the season 8 ends in 2 weeks, nothing else matters to my moving over thing

Despite getting a wave of downvotes on Reddit, my stance on those forums remains. I want Cata and this progression realm is better than SoD.

you mean UH dks doing insane damage without trying? feral druids being pointless in aoe situations? I’ve yet to hear anyone complain about changes they made during Wrath classic other than those dweebs crying about RDF{dont freaking use it then!} unless they were a UH DK having their “snapshot” murdered! In phase 4 this game was the highest population I’d seen since Nilla Classic released! so clearly it was what many wanted :wink: but once you’ve got HLK on farm whats the point anymore? Killing RS for barely better trinkets or 7 more ilvls to gear?

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exactly! it was good, but its over, now its time to go ahead

Yea cuz people kept lying and saying that they payed Wrath back in the day and that Wrath launched with RDF in it but it didn’t. RDF only came out at the very last patch right as ICC came out which is about what happened this time around.

Yea DKs were so much better, rets were too. Arms were too. And they came in with WoW tokens for this version. Shaman totem bars have been glitched for the entire expac which did not happen first time Wrath came out. Account bound pets and mounts…also not a feature that was there in original Wrath…not until Shaodwlands did that stuff start happening.

First part of the prelaunch event ended too early cuz too many complained about it… Wintergrasp had a vehicle glitch and SOTA does too sometimes. Those glitches were never in game until SoTA got taken out…

WG will now glitch to where it sometimes will not queue up properly if you dont use the battelgrond queue for it. It is actually server based and so was never meant to be a part of that queue so it glitches in Wrath often.

Rogue poisons keep glitching.

Some of my pet collection achieves for World events have glitched as you can only get certain pets only once in Wrath per toon, but them being account bound, one gets it, they all do and they game requires each too to get them separately so alts were not able to get some of those

Arenas MMR system changed in Wrath to match that of retail. And now arena teams have been removed in Wrath. R1 on some servers is 4.2k rating. Glad is 3.8k.

How much Wrath was screwed up, do you actually think Cata is going to be good?

Original Wrath was better. This version was nothing near to how original version of Wrath was. Original Cata was okay…but this Classic version of Cata?

TBC was not the same as the original, Wrath was super far removed…and now people expect Cata to be just like it was before when even LESS of the people who made it before are here now than were for Wrath?

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No one said that, so you’re either lying or your reading comprehension is poor. I don’t get why you do that since almost everyone posting here has been posting for years and know that you’re either a liar or stupid. Many people pointed out the rdf was added before the patch that classic wrath was released with and asked that it be released earlier than in the original.

No one thinks there will be no changes in Cata since there were changes in every classic release. Where do you come up with the nonsense you post?

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All of the things you’ve listed isn’t anything major, it’s minor things.

  • Pre-launch event ended early, minor
  • WG vehicle bug, minor
  • Rogue poisons, minor
  • Pets and mounts obtained through achievements, minor
  • Arena MMR system, minor

With what you listed it was pretty much teh same.

People whined that DK’s were too strong in Naxx and Blizzard caved and removed snapshotting and replaced it with reactive. Ret Paladins were OP iirc early on in WotLK, with us getting the last patch it makes sense that they’re not as strong because they were nerfed because of how strong they were. As for Arms I have no idea.

You’re right and that’s not always a bad thing.

Eh, I think it’d be pretty close if it was looked into more deeply.

If you thought Cata was okay then I guess that means it’d be great…

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There were some pretty massive arguments just because people were saying exactly that.

That person from Europe kept coming over to these forums and kept spam posting asking for RDF to be added in and they would make a please add RDF thread every single day.

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You’re wrong. Many people asked for rdf to be added at release but no one claimed it was added at release in original wrath. The common argument for rdf at the release of classic wrath was that classic wrath was released with patch 3.3 and rdf was also released with patch 3.3. People pointed out the dual spec wasn’t released until patch 3.1 in original wrath but was added at release in classic wrath and asked that rdf also be released early.


It can cause you to sometimes not have a working vehicle for anyone on your team when it first started happening, so therefore you could not win. That is more than minor.

Play a rogue and have your poisons glitch out of exitance after being applied and you wouldnt say that.

I like working on alts. I earn hard to get mounts on all my alts. back in original Wrath when I mutiboxed, I had 4 shams and 1 priest that all had TLPD on them and that was one mount per toon.

Pretty major. Its the reason why you need to get well over 4 thousand rated to get R1 on many servers now… cuz now anyone can queue up with anyone. You want me to boost you newly made level 80 who just came in with boosted green gear? Just sit back and get carried to your glad now…cuz now no teams so you don’t have to play with the same people of matching CRs to you to your own to determine what your MMRE will be.

And it used to be by %s all the titles were. Now they are by ratings. like what? IF I do play Cata…that is IF …I bet I am going to hate it even more than I hated Wrath. And I will hate MoP even more than Cata.

When MoP launched, they really tried to pander to a different audience…get it pander? Cuz its full of pandas…

No. Im right. There were back to back to back nonstop posts saying "ADD RDF " and so many saying that Wrath came out with RDF from the very start and how they could not play Wrath this time around cuz there was no RDF for them. Then I had to keep saying to people… na… RDF came out right as S8 starts and ICC comes out. And so many in those threads kept saying RDF should be out now cuz it is already past patch 3.3 and they would say stuff like “Oh but it is patch 3.4 now” And I would then have to say, Patch 3.4 is a custom patch made just for Classic and no 3.4 existed in original Wrath. It was the level 11 paladin poster from Europe who kept posting for that…and went away soon after RDF came out, and their level 11 DK alt from US serves who also kept saying the same thing.

It is not 4,000 rating, it’s 3k for r1 in US and 3200 in EU. In 2s. It’s a minor correction but seems weird that you wouldn’t know what it actually is. It’s also not per server, it’s US and EU. that’s it.

And it’s still percent based, these cutoffs are just the rating you need to be in that percent range to get the titles. Also weird that you don’t know that.

They already removed inflation this season and now the bigger issue is that since they’ve removed the inflation, rank 1 players have MMR several hundred points below their current rating and haven’t been queuing for months now because they would win maybe 1 point and lose 20+.

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I have not logged in for well over a month. Last time i checked it was 4k.

If it was so many it should be easy for you to find one post where someone claimed original wrath had rdf at the very start. Until then most of us who can read and remember what we read will know you’re either a liar or an idiot.


It has literally never been 4k in the history of Wrath classic lol …

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no it won’t go cry on your 20 alts cuz you dont like a expansion, that’s why everyone has the cata packs, you’re just mad.

Cata is popular, in many regions, NA is the lowest pop region, no one cares about vanilla only no changes andys your the minority, rest of us will be enjoying cata.

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It was listed as such until they had to fix it. But yea It got to be that high