We DoNt WaNt CaTa

it is, i play it every day and i know for a fact it is

Good luck proving that.

There are tons of people still playing it. The numbers just don’t agree with you.


im not interested in proving anything to you

Because you can’t, and you know that you are wrong.

Thanks for playing.


i play and i enjoy it, i dont think its bad either but its time to move on
the content ran dry and ppl quit, total ghost town

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the OG cata beta was sketchy early on tbf

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All the Classic betas have been pretty wild. And then the release is fine.

I’d love a behind the scenes on how many load bearing weird code exists in classic

I remember it was a lot of new zone issues like falling through the ground or bugged terrain that wasn’t well implemented like part of a zone was changed and the other still was pre-cata it was pretty wild yeah.

This time around I notice no such bugs beside water missing in certain area, tons of classes issues that make some unplayable since the past month or so, I do hope they gonna pull it off and fix it all in a timely manner, so we can minimum get a june/july release.

can’t confirm if it was true or not but people believed ruby sanctum existed because cata got delayed


casuals struggle in wotlk gamma now imagine mythic +20 “break yourself upon my body”

Casual =/= bad.


Way I see it it surges. People have other things to do and hit their daily taskers.

I fixing up some chars dip in…then dip out. White mane WG is usually a packed place on the 3 hour rotations at the wg npc in dalaran.

Most like me may just log in for that. I am not looking to dominate end game at this point.

75k banked honor all chars for cata.

And I gear up a fresh 80 s. Priest. Wg runs, whatever the daily pvp quest is hit till won. And…log off.

5k ish on average a wg run….a good day I get 2 runs at least. Slow but steady wins the race lol.

It’s a game not a marriage. Say 3 hours of gaming at night….its doesn’t have to be all 3 hours in wow.

Or I go see how stable cata beta is since I got access over the weekend.

The only people I see in Wrath anymore is my guild on Tuesdays and Mondays as we raid log ICC and RS

And even that is going to end soon because we’re finishing up our last Shadowmourne and probably going to pack up until prepatch so we can start gearing up main switchers

I wouldn’t say a permanent Wrath server would be completely dead, but people are kidding themselves if they think it’ll be sustainable. The same content over and over to the end of time will get stale no matter how enjoyable it is at the start. I LOVE ICC and even I’m starting to almost get physically sick every time I hear “This is our final stand” start up. People thought the same about Vanilla, and look where it is now - it’s barely being held up by Season of Discovery, which will have a small surge for a couple of weeks when phase 3 drops and then people are gonna start raid logging Sunken Temple. And are people even talking about HC anymore? All the while the main Classic Era servers are ghost towns

You don’t have to like Cataclysm or anything that came after it. But it’s coming whether you want it or not. Instead of wasting your own time complaining about it endlessly on the forums, just…stop playing. There are other video games besides WoW. You can convince yourself that private servers are proof that permanent servers work, but you underestimate the power of a free game vs a subscription. Maybe in another decade when Classic is catching up to Retail they can start another wave when the rust has faded and the urge to see it all again comes back, but for now, it’s best to just move on


Funny way of complaining that you don’t have anyone to play with :joy:

Drop the “we” Sunshine. You don’t get to speak for anyone but yourself. And while you are at it, learn to type like an adult.


more likely to play against

The casuals were too busy being kicked from dungeons by sweaty gatekeepers to make any progress.


You can literally ‘move over’ right now. It’s called retail.

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Or we just pvp geared it. It worked well enough for my vision of my casual needs in the open world

When they let prior season weapons go on vendors…it got real nice imo. A good change they did there imo.