We don't even want cata!

see you in july

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Cuz I play Wrath Classic as well. 100% willing to bet I got more toons in Wrath Classic than you do. All you have in Wrath is that one single item level 213 rogue that has not progressed in any ways, shape or form for months now. And yet you’re the one claiming to like the modern version of Classic better.

Nothing you said has any relation to what I said outside of confirming that this line right here :point_down:

to be 100% accurate.

I’ve already explained that this toon is retired, yet you keep bring up ilvl without ever recognizing that, as if it’s some “gotcha” and somehow dismisses everything I’ve said. it doesn’t.

Atleast this isn’t a 1000 word novel of schizo ramblings this time, and is instead just a brainlet take that goes off of some minor tangent while blatantly ignoring the point of my post this time. Thanks.

FACT: Cata is closer to LK than mop in terms of gameplay.

FACT: Almost nothing from cata is relevant in retail.

FACT: There is over a decade of time between cata and DF, your headcanon that they’re “the same game” is just delusional headcanon.

FACT: No one will miss you when you quit because you’re just going to go back to your plethora of “HC 60s” that totally exist and keep spamming the soon to be Cata Classic Discussion rambling about “how the game is dead” and “wrath is better” and “this is just retail trash” or whatever other drippling brain rot you’ll leak out into these forums.


This entire conversation is just proof that calling something “retail” is just a name for something people don’t like, and has no relation to the actual retail version of the game

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And again you throw out the schizo insult just like you do to me back to back on almost every post you ever make to me and you do it to lots of other people too. Yet once again, it is your name that is a type of the condition that you keep claiming that everyone but you has. I think you need a checkup. Nothing that I typed had anything to do with schizophrenia. I have yet to see anyone else you have ever said that to show those signs either.

And just look at how most of the posts I make are much shorter than most of the posts that you make.

No. He is right. I dont want Cata. It is not Classic.

The zones that got changed and are the exact way they are now became that way in Cata, the massive amounts of unique quests that got removed did so in Cata, RBGs came out in Cata, LFR came out in Cata, Cata was the first expac to have subs drop all the way through, and Stormwind gets wrecked it will stay that way all through Cata.

And all the questing was linear and they almost always went to a dungeon quest.

Yeah the ‘it’s not Classic’ doesn’t really have much meaning. A Classic server is just a version of the game that’s not Retail. Shadowlands Classic would be a Classic server.

If you want to talk about retail-like systems, then fine. But my examples of those things are changes the Classic team made, like adding Mythic Lite dungeons. Which resemble Retail design philosophy. Obviously not the design of the game back then, since they didn’t exist back then.

So really the only way the Classic servers ‘become retail’ is by implementing changes like that. If it’s authentic, by definition it’s not retail.

It does have meaning though. We didnt get Classic Wrath. They made so many changes to modernize it.


You really suck at reading.

No, you write cope filled rants with sprinkles of delusions, or you write something not relevant at all to what was said, going off on a side tangent for no other reason than what, delusion? Lack of comprehension? Straight idiocy? Idk, but that’s what you do and currently have done even to the post I’m responding to, as illustrated by my quote showing your gross lack of comprehension.

Nothing you say will change this quote.

Feel free to quit anytime.


No actually I just saw that you called me a schizo yet again as you have done dozens of time here and do it t other people too. but mainly do it to me. And the fact that you once even listed the meds and doses I need to take for it…kinda implies that you’re the one with it, not me. I dont have schizo ramblings. I am not a schizophrenic person as you keep saying that I am back to back, nonstop.

Even in your reply to me it very clearly proves that you said exactly “Atleast this isnt a 1000 word novel of schizo ramblings this time”

And i said that you once again came out me with another schizo insult. Then you replied to that by denying that you said that and claim it is me who sucks at readding.

You have even quoted yourself and then argued with yourself more than once on these forums.

And also here

Then I said

And your reply to me saying that to you was

Do I? When yet again you throw that insult out and when i call you out on it, you again deny having done it. You have done that on every single thread that you have talked to me on these forums here ever.

And to tell you this yet again, your name is literally a type of schizophrenia that you accuse so many here of having and especially me a lot of having. Every thread you have ever talked to me on, you say that I have that.

And then you always try to take things out of content here. I talked about that rogue as you are posting on that rogue and yet you turn around and talk about my paladins which I have no mentioned in a long while about half a month, also had nothing to do with what anyone here was talking about and a level 60 WoW version of a paladin has nothing to do with a Wrath rogue. What I said was relevant. You randomly talking about paladins when no one else was, was not.

Really fun getting under your skin. Cant wait to see you rage at yourself again in another quote to yourself and then edit it out after you realize what you did. I’ll just keep pressing you…it’s bound to happen again.

No one plays wrath a lot. Its dead af.

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I quit it cuz it sucks. It is nothing close to how the original version was. And these people actually believe that Cata wont also be screwed up just as terribly as Wrath was.

Whens the last time you played retail? :joy:

Cata is nothing like retail, it plays just like wrath with a couple new buttons. In fact, I’d say cata does everything wrath did, better.

Which is it? Lol


I didn’t. :point_down:

It’s literally in black and white. It shouldn’t be this hard for you to understand. I even boldened the key word for you.

I’ve never once done that. It is straight projection from you. You went and looked up meds and doses, had a novel about it and how I should be on those meds, and are now saying that I did that. You’re a delusional clown.

Holy you’re so close. You’re getting warmer. Read it again. Slower this time. Hopefully it clicks.


You go around actively talking about your HC characters. I don’t go around talking about this rogue’s ilvl. That’s the disconnect you are so graciously are blind to.

That also has literally never happened. I consistently add “Edit: whatever I made the edit for” to every post I edit.

Hide the pain Harold. Your schizo rambling spree is slowly coming back. We were so close to breaking that bad habit of yours.

Edit: This time I did call you a schizo in this past “paragraph”. Do you see the difference between the two?


Never presume to speak for me. I want Cata. Thank you.


Can i have your stuffs?

My take is a bit different

  1. WoTLK
  2. TBC
  3. MOP
  4. Cata
  5. Legion
  6. WOD
  7. BFA
  8. SL
  9. Vanilla
  10. DF

I will admit, I don’t remember Legion or BFA a ton.

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Legion early was trash because you were basically hardlocked into a single artifact. If a Paladin mainly tanks, they’ll be leveling their tank artifact weapon. Switching to Ret would still have an unleveled weapon in comparison to dps who leveled their weapons. If you chose to level your Ashbringer half way through, you would just be behind those who stuck with one.

A lot of specs were also hard dependent on their legendries. if you didn’t get yours, womp womp, sucks to suck, you’re just now objectively worse than everyone else and there is nothing you can do about it. There was also a bug that increased drop chance for those who had a legendary, so the rich got richer while you struggled to even see one drop at all, widening the gap more. If you got one of the trash legendaries, you basically just confirmed no good legendary drop for a bit. This was half fixed later on when you could buy a random legendary, but again, it was random. Sephuz’s Secret (name and or spelling error, it’s some trash legendary though) really didn’t stay a secret and instead stayed in the bank never to be used.

Legion didn’t really start to pop off until players could just have maxed out artifact weapons for basically free, buying their choice of legendary direct from a vendor, as well as the famous Mage Tower, which was Sargeras’s tomb and onwards.

Based list though. Im glad Im not the only one who views classic era as one of the worst eras, outshined hard by both TBC and LK. Id personally swap TBC and MOP but that’s just me.


I liked TBC only slightly better than MOP only because it was soooooooo good to get out of vanilla that if they had gone vanilla to DF I would have loved DF (if that makes sense). I really enjoyed MoP though.

I had totally forgotten about the whole legendary nonsense in Legion. I also refused to do the mage tower stuff so that xpac was meh. I just don’t remember doing much other than logging in, doing a few things, hanging with guildmates and that was it. Legion and BFA were the two xpacs I did the least in.

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