We don't even want cata!

This opinion I respect. I am slight opposite. I do want cata but won’t play WoTLK era but if you guys get your wrath server - that works for me too.

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Moving on to the Cataclysm expansion is just the logical conclusion from everything they have done so far. As long as people keep playing the classic version of the game, I expect them to keep re-releasing different versions of WoW.

I am sorry if all you want to play is Wrath. Unless Blizzard makes Wrath-era servers, you will have to go to a private server.

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It’s not, wrath is cooked. The population fell off a cliff forever ago.

I want Cata and have wanted Cata since the classic project was announced in 2018/2019.


You have 9k posts. You’re not unsubbing :joy::joy:


Says the guy who routinely posts using the same axe emoji…


This game owns his soul.

I’m going to play cata for a bit, if only because I preordered it. It was my favorite expansion for a long time because I liked the questing a lot better & how they added to/branched off quests in the old world. I even liked some of the changes that were made to the old world, like the new barrens. I liked all the QoL additions also.

On the other hand, I was disappointed the first time around that I never raided in wrath when the content was current and it just felt to me at the time that the lich king was basically the ultimate boss for warcraft. I never really got into raiding this time around either, so I’m kinda bummed that wrath is basically over in that sense, but that’s on me. I was never comfortable enough even running a dps class & was always afraid I’d get called out for not doing enough damage or getting carried. Guess I wasn’t meant to be a raider.



Speak for yourself nerd


Oh yeah lets just play wotlk forever…wth it’s like people spent so much buying gold and gear they can’t stand to be at the bottom of the pile again. (stop wasting your money buying gold/gear)

I’m done with wotlk, it’s boring as hell time to move on.

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i want cata, dont speak in my behalf


Im more stoked for cata than I’ve been for any of the other classic projects so far.


Kinda late to the thread but I want Cata…I never played it and am looking forward to playing through it. It wouldnt at all be the same to run through it on retail. I think this is a very unique opportunity to experience that content for those that missed it. Will it be exactly like original release? Im sure it wont be but still exponentially closer than doing it on modern servers. Im really looking forward to it!

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I say let’s do Cata and MoP skip WoD and go to Legions

People who received the survey a couple of weeks before WOTLK classic launch?

People who wanted cataclysm? either be from the forums, reddit, twitter or anywhere on the internet?

I dont know, I dont have the numbers of how many people asked for cata but Blizzard does and if there were people asking for Cata on their end then that’s their decision to do it.

Also, as long there is interest in those future expansion re-releases from the players and then comes along with it profitability, they will continue to re-release these expansions until the interest and profitability gets dried up.

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Ha! Speak for yourself! I reactivated my account when they announced cataclysm classic :slight_smile:


I want cata.


No way.

  1. Wrath
  2. Cata
  3. Vanilla
  4. TBC
  5. Legion
  6. MOP
  7. Dragonflight
  8. BFA
  9. WOD
  10. Shadowlands

That being said, majority of the expansions are close, the issue mostly being content drought, bar shadowlands which only thing I enjoyed out of that was zereth mortis and mythic +.

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I agree with that ranking pretty much, and I loved Cata.

  1. Wrath
  2. Cata
  3. TBC
  4. Vanilla
  5. Legion
  6. MOP
  7. WOD
  8. DF
  9. BFA
  10. SL
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