We don't even want cata!

BFA was another expansion that alot of people fuss over, but I thought it was a good expansion.

:shrugs: to each there own.

P.S. Hot take: WoD was a good expansion, people just didn’t like it because of the content drought and garrisons/mission tables.

I think if/when they do a WoD classic they should use the opportunity to introduce proper player housing

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and actually give us the planned faction cities

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What was planned?

Bro, just stop. Literally zero people care that you dont want cata. Go back to your private server already.

In beta they said they weren’t going to be doing capitol hubs but when they announced WOD Alliance were getting Karabor and Horde frostfire ridge.

was scrapped and instead a lot of the quests and ideas got shifted onto Ashran.

WoD was an expansion with so much potential but everything was cut


I think I did a lot more in BFA for sure than Legion. The more we chat about it the more that comes back in my memory (which is shotty at best these days :smiley:). I didn’t dislike BFA but I just didn’t do as much as I’d like to have done. Legion I can tell you did did virtually nothing.

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