We don't even need RDF lol honestly

Its because those in support of Blizzards LFG system know they are rolling tanks and will get instant groups anywhere and at anytime

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Yea, RDF would be 100% useful from 1-70. Legit i don’t even bother to run some of them because it takes twice as long to run to them in the old world than it takes to run them. And as the goblins say “time is money my friend”. I can level faster just killing and questing. If they were in for 1-70 it would be a boon for alts.


I was referencing this comedy classic.

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Those 3 you listed can and do occur with RDF in the game. As for the rest of what you said, does occur already in the game without RDF.

Most people just want RDF because it teleports them. They have no clue what RDF even is beyond that.

I have suggested otherwise a lot. :man_shrugging:

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soooo. classic isnt for you then?

if your only reason to playing this game is to just ignore other players… then… go play retail.

Citation needed.

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Who? Teleportation is the least important part both in impact and demand lol


Companies that make decisions without considering player input dont last long.

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Dumb as a box of rocks this reply is.


Teleportation is bad! Better remove meeting stones and warlock summon. :clown_face:


Don’t forget to remove battle masters!


Hey Corky. Classic doesn’t translate to “making all the old expansions exactly like Vanilla was”

It was supposed to be, rerun through your favorite expansions and relive them


Mages and city portals in Shattrath too!

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The “muh immersion” cat is out of the bag and trying to cram it back in is just going against the game the majority of the player base has decided to play. Trying to force players back into the world with inconveniences is one of the biggest things that made patches of retail so not-fun.

Yep. Why some anti-lfd were/are irksome.

we will look for carries for rewards on heroics.

So for the bargainer pro-lfd…fine, no rewards beyond xp for levelers. that currency to buy gear? drop it. Not my goal here really.

and they still say no. You will still take our tanks away from lfg runs.

I ain’t taking any tanks from anybody.

timmy the tank…chose rfd. I can’t make timmy do a damn thing. I sure as hell can’t make timmy come off his 50g for a run price. I know this…I tried. My jedi mind trick powers aren’t what they used to be.

There is literally zero immersion in PvP. You can sit in a city, queue for multiple battle grounds, get teleported to the battle ground, get dropped back at the battle master when you are done to queue up and teleport to a new one. Once pre-patch hits, you will be able to level in them, and get gear. You legit never have to leave one spot, talk to one person or interact with anyone if you don’t want to, and you can get to max level (after getting to level 19), and get epic gear and rewards. It can be the least social aspect of the game. lol

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I’m feeling personally attacked.


Thats an insult to the box of rocks

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