We don't even need RDF lol honestly

Can you elaborate?

I’ve been playing long enough to know that RDF is what separates Classic wow from retail.

I’d love to see MoP classic without RDF, just as a “what if” scenario. What could have been.

No, Cataclysm is what separates Classic from Retail.


I’m going to level a tank and just camp outside of the dungeon I’m farming lol


Or get whispered “Shi**er DPS”, some racial slur, or something else.

I don’t understand why they are fighting against something that was originally there…


This isn’t a matter of people wanting to teleport to the dungeon my man. I could give less of a flip about flying there. What I do care about is spamming chat for an hour to find a tank or healer so I can finally do the content. It’s not fun and infact a huge waste of time DAILY. If you guys want to meet in the middle and remove the teleporting so you can see us out in the world I’m all for it.

Not having to spam allows me to do my dailies, maybe watch something on another screen, literally anything else but spamming is what I need.

Then there’s the big problem the elites purging non meta classes from their parties, it never ends does it.


Obvious troll is obvious, but what’s hilarious about this is dungeon finder isn’t even used at max level in Retail. Only Mythics matter.

So now Blizz has removed the authentic Wrath system that was used back in Wrath and replaced it with a perverted version of the Retail tool. They are literally turning Wrath into Retail.

If it wasn’t a troll I’d be worried about their well being.


Rdf was in wrath… The “classic” argument was about major changes and this is a major change…

i am going to enjoy WOTLK either way but i can understand folks being annoyed.


I don’t really care about RDF as much as I care about the wasted development cycles for the awful, awful, almost comically awful LFG tool.


“Yeah, yeah, patience - how long will that take?”

What are you talking about?

Glad to hear that. See you in Wrath.

We should all know the direction blizzard wants to go for classic. If you do not like this direction, then go play another game. There’s nothing wrong with that. Find another game that better suits your needs.

So everyone who plays is sweaty? This sentence can imply that you get into dungeon groups regularly, just not with sweaty people, or you can’t do dungeons at all because only sweaty people do dungeons.

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So in retail, the casual player base can do casual content without an automated system grouping them together? And it works? hmmm. Guess it will work here too.

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nice try blizz alt account

I have actually said if they want to keep the “social” aspect of it. Make it same server only. No extra badges or goodies. No teleport to dungeon. No running more heroics after you have done them all. All it would do is match people looking to run the same dungeon together if they want to lol. The only thing that changes is that you can do other stuff rather than sitting in a city refreshing and scanning a tool or reading a wall of LFG chat. :man_shrugging:


If you are a tank or healer, not long. If you’re a DPS usually it’s a different experience.

You’d have to be in some kind of psychopathic state of mind to enjoy spamming looking for group. Let’s just all agree it isn’t fun and do everything it takes to auto match together and trim whatever fat is necessary to get there. Totally agree.


Yep, my main alt will be a tank. My guild should be running a lot of dungeons so I shouldn’t need a healer offspec yet for my main.

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Honestly, youre right. That said, leveling alts and being able to easily group up and access hard to reach dungeons in between quests would have been very fun. Oh well

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