We DEMAND a PvE Server

You literally just described capitalism. Welcome to the real world. I hope you enjoy your stay?

If you don’t like it, don’t consume it and hope the market adapts. Or throw a tantrum on the forums. I’m sure that impacts stuff too. :roll_eyes: :clown_face:

I mean if we were playing an acrtual PVP game I might agree with you.
But this is WoW. Real PvPers avoid it like the plague because only pretenders PvP here

use the existing pve servers… They are just fine.

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no they aren’t.

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Literally no point in feeling a sense of competition on PVE servers

Did you come up with the boss strategy
Did you originally become the first person to take this boss out?

No and no… so therefor… :person_shrugging: you are just bragging that you can mimic someone elses work and look good while doing it…

Pvp is about skill…for it is intelligence vs… well most of the time … other intelligence


And a new level 10 troll’s alt with no posts had entered the chat.

Trolls really coming out of the woodwork.

Yep and I dont give them my money and I laugh as they lose it.

Thay can cater to the 1% of weirdos or the vast majority of people. Warner Bros is learning its lesson. WoW will to at some point when they have to make money

Just remember they didn’t announce there won’t be any PvE servers.

using logic doesnt work against these pve’ers they just report you for trolling


This is one of the funniest threads on the forums currently, so many upset people over one server.
I wanted a PVE server but that’s not the plan apparently, so here’s my options

A: Play Fresh
B: Don’t play fresh

I choose option A

cause they never will

NO. We are not buying that. You already have a PVE server at home!

Cool delte the guy with the names I want to use and I will be happy to be there.

Or give me a book I can turn in on the PvP server that will allow me to never be attacked by someone unless I attack them first

I applaud your ability to man up

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You mean World of WARCRAFT? Descended from the game WARCRAFT ORCS VS HUMANS? FFS.

I’m actually worried about some of yall. The way you’re talking it seems like there’s a real possibility you’re gonna fall over in your chair and die IRL if anyone happens to accidentally engage you in PVP. Was there some kind of Ready Player One type thing that happened and I missed it? I hate it when the sky falls and I miss it…

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You no RDF people made your beds. Now its time to lay in them. See you in STV. =3


Makes no difference for you buddy. Don’t talk for everyone you are not that big.
I couldn’t play TBC but I want to play Wrath from scratch in a realm with people like me with no advantages tons of golds, gear, huge banks, sweet tittles, achievements etc…
Like a season game we don’t want everyone to carry on old stuff and we just can’t compete.

Nah, they left the door wide open. I’m expecting 24+ ques for fresh servers which is where they’ll probably make a PvE server. Either way fresh will be great, but since you’ve said you’re staying on grob, I gotta wonder why you care so much about fresh.

Imagine being like you?

Option 3.
Stay in Retail

As much as I loved Wrath the first time around, its not worth having to deal with PvP or putting 3-4 special characters in a name (or dealwith with a name like McSweatyPvP

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