You have plenty of pve server options, nothing is stopping you from rolling on Mankirk, pagle, etc etc.
Blizzard has made the mistake multiple times of opening far too many realms. They did it right this time. No dodging. One server.
Fresh Start PvE. It is that hard to comprehend?
Looks like you arent getting one. PvE realms are pointless. Endgame = PvP
I DEMAND a sparkly unicorn pet unique to only my account in WotLK Classic.
We can both hope!
Why would they do that though?
Part of the massive appeal to fresh servers is the warzone it is to level up with world PVP.
What is the appeal of a fresh server PVE zone? Peacebloom sells for a few gold for three weeks?
you can refund already
People like to play differently than you do. Is that so hard to understand?
Don’t act like a clown, man.
Carebears still play pvp games??
Ok, but can you answer my question?
This is like your 4th threat to unsub. Just do it already, you are losing credibility at that point.
Just like you demanded RDF, huh? Yeah keep “demanding” things, lol.
really dont care if pve’ers unsub. theyve been ruining the game since release
The enjoyment of community? Meeting new people that share in the same hobby that you do? The exact same reasons people play on PvP Servers, I’m sure. Just, different.
The only thing I understand is that you are terrified to get put on farm.
Unsub or play better. Idk what to tell ya
the thing is
he’s not acting
But why would you need a fresh PVE server to do that? You can do that on a PVP server. You can do that on any server.
That’s what you’re failing to explain.
pve realms shouldnt even be a thing in world of WARcraft. “WAR”
never had any other, nice try tho.
Because we don’t like to world pvp…?
I don’t know what to tell you, bud.