We DEMAND a PvE Server

OK so you dont want to PvP? Consensual equal level fighting?

You just wanna beat up little kids?

“Two cobras in the jungle. One kills the strongest lion, the other kills a crippled monkey. Which cobra do you want to be?”

That is not how it works my friend. PVE is made for people not interested in PVP and mostly perfer to be out of it. forcing them to PVP server will cause frustration and eventually that player won’t come back to the game.

That doesn’t apply because they won’t fit anyways, they don’t belong to that “population”.
IRL people can choose what to do if you push everyone to be per say “lawyers” we will have serious problems with engineering mindset.

PVE player aren’t interested because there is always the risk of being dragged into PVP situations any time even if that person is not interested in that particular activity.

This is not about faction balance, this is about the way to play this game entirely. and Blizzard already solved that problem in BFA with “Warmode” so we no longer forced to OPEN PVP when we don’t want to in any realm, but we can opt whenever we feel like it.

Oh trust me I understand how the world works and I understand how the forums for world of Warcraft work and right now there’s a lot of people that are super mad :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

If faction changes are a thing still for Fresh servers. I believe it will cost $30 to be either cobra.


You don’t need a fresh start realm for PVE. It makes no difference. Play on one of the existing servers. Fresh start makes the most impact with world pvp.


Sorry… apparently you cant have it.

dont need fresh start pvp. plenty of those too. anything else?

They will not even try it if they dont like it.

Tired of companies telling us we will accept what they put out.

You can tell me all you want to that eating crickets is great. I am not gonna eat it

Classic wouldn’t exist if not for people ‘crying’ for it. And then we’d lose out on your immense wisdom. What a travesty that would have been.

Sorry… apparently you cant have it.

fresh on pve also effects the economy. This is the shallowest argument I’ve ever seen when it comes to pve servers.

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At least you will have bots and Chinese gold farmers to keep you company

Pve servers were made for people that lack skill.

I do. The economy on my current realm is dead. I believe the other pve realms have the same issue.

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Oh my lord. Heavens to Betsy. How will you ever survive. At any moment you could unwittingly be dragged into a “pvp situation!?!?!” Jiminy Cricket. What ever would you even do???

My word I’m getting the vapors just imagining it…

Either one has no honor. NFL pro players dont brag about slamming kids play pee wee football. Thats what gankers are. People pretending to be good beating up people that dont want to fight back.

i dont tolerate wanna be’s

have a cookie and watch the streamers pvp on the new pvp fresh start realm!

lmao, have you seen any of the pvp servers outside grob? it’s basically pve servers. :woozy_face:

Aren’t you doing the same thing?

But please, answer this question. What’s the purpose of closing a ton of PvP servers, only to open another one?

Your argument seems to be that people can do PvE stuff on a PvP server. Which is technically true. Just like you can flag yourself and do PvP on a PvE server. Except a PvE server is better because people can actively choose what they want to do. I’d argue that having to scurry around like a rat to do PvE stuff is more of a hinderance to fun that just flagging if you want to PvP.

Agreed… I dont know why these kids crying for a fresh start PVE. What is the point? PVE means you play with yourself

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