We DEMAND a PvE Server

Actually you have it 100% backwards. The ONLY thinkg you cant do on a PvE server is gank people that dont want to PvP.

You can world PvP all you want to with others that want to PvP and have actually flagged themselves.

Again, the only thing you cant do is gank people that just want to be left alone.

The only place I can be mostly left alone is on a PvE server - but you trolls can still kill my questgivers


Rofl can’t believe you got flagged for that

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Still not reading, are you:

You’re making a mountain out of a molehill, which is pretty typical on these forums…

Not everyone has a dedicated group. Not everyone likes or can chain instances together to “avoid” world PvP. And as for “less populated areas”. Where exactly are those?

I’ve been on a PvP server. Intentionally, so I could see what that kind of level is like.

Do you really think there isn’t someone from the opposite faction almost always trolling around looking for lowbies to gank?

I can tell you, there’s always someone around. I’ve even switched characters entirely, leaving my previous one in ghost mode Just to “leave that area”, and when I STILL ran into someone in an entirely new area.

It’s almost like you don’t even understand how PvP servers work, or how PKs operate.

“no u.” Also praise the sun.

Forcing PvE players onto a PvP server is not good or healthy for fresh. Many PvE fresh players will still try out the PvP server but a lot ultimately quit because they don’t want to deal with ganking while leveling.

The attrition on these fresh PvP only servers will be way higher than a traditional server. It’s practically screaming for imbalance.


truth hurts pve’ers

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for arguments sake, blizzard could have done a pve server as well. People happy about a pvp server, cool, but they should offer a pve option. If they did, I’d go on that over a pvp server any day.

Well you put not one but 2! emojis so I suppose I can’t argue with that.

Exactly. So you get it but the disconnect is… ?

You already have SEVERAL PvE servers to play on


must hurt to be brain dead.

then play fresh my dude and join the fun :slight_smile:

False dichotomy.

They easily could have had one of both. The demand was there. Also, as we have seen, PvE servers are way more likely to stand the test of time.

Too bad there’s no pvp servers to play on already.

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staying on grobb. grobbulus is by far best realm in wow history

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you have several pvp servers to choose from by your logic, so they shouldn’t need to make a fresh pvp server by your logic.

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good that you like your server identity. i believe many will like Skyfury’s once it starts to take form.

You’ve “been on a PVP server.” I’ve leveled every character I ever had in WOW on a pvp server. Please don’t act like you know how PVP servers work rofl…

Its not that dire. People still level just fine on PVP servers. Even on Faerlina before I xferred my alliance off I could still level reasonably fine, and when I got ganked I went somewhere else and was fine there. Nothing you said is reality.

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I’m not crying on the forums about it either :sunglasses:
I wasn’t planning on going to a PVP server but now that’s not an option and I still am going to play fresh doesn’t matter I’ve played on PVP servers before it’s not that bad

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You work at Blizzard? That’s amazing… and the only way you could possibly know that’s true. Otherwise you’d just be talking out your :peach:, and you definitely wouldnt do that would you??

The only reason PVP servers havent shut down as often is because there are FAR fewer of them. And currently there are 155k players on PVP realms and 62k on PVE… LIterally more than twice on PVP than PVE, so if you’re going to open up one or the other AGAIN the clear choice is PVP.

Not complicated stuff my guy

People are giving feedback. You can call it ‘crying’ all you want. Maybe when you grow up you’ll understand this is how the world works.