We cannot continue to have no open dialog about the state of the game

Nobody caresssssssss

Almost 20 years ago. Here’s a pro tip from a consumer: I didn’t do that, and I don’t care. Vocalize your plans moving forward if you want player retention. There’s no other way around it.

If you’re not going to produce quality content (content where all the hard work was already done by previous employees/devs, they’re simply re-releasing an already finished product) on release, that’s what you’re going to have to do. If you don’t like how people criticize you, don’t become a world wide known, billion dollar company.

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Health coach who uses motivational interviewing daily here. This is not actually empathy. This is sympathy. They are not the same and can elicit very different reaponses. There is a time and a place for sympathy but more often than not empathy gets much better responses.

Empathy also circles back around to the listening. By using empathetic statements the customer is more likely to feel heard and validated even if you’re wrong on your guess of how they’re feeling.

I had a personal experience where a lease specialist told me tell me my appartment wasnt ready on the day of my move in. I had already signed a lease and gave deposit and first months rent. She told me “the same thing happend to me when i moved out of my parents house.” It was an attempt at being sympathetic but it backfired and made me even more irate because the situations werent’t the same: i was now homeless, she was not.

a nice dream there

when GDKP came around I was like “I ll simply wont use it and refuse to participate in any of this”. As long as others do what I do is irrelevant.

I’m…not sure you meant to reply to me? I know what the prepatch was. Deathwing flying over zones wasn’t part of it, it started in prepatch but went through for the entire expansion until Dragon Soul launched. Then he stopped flying around the zones but you could still get the achievement if you died on Spine or Madness

I have yet to see him once, and none of the other stuff that I listed has happened. And I logged in and had a full set of Twilight Mog that is different from the original version of Cata but I did not earn that one.

This version of Cata is so far removed from the original.

Ok so what does any of that have to do with my point that the Deathwing thing was never an event specific to prepatch?

They got their funding for it by launching out the flame mount thing.

I just logged into Cata though…and something that I wanted to be fixed is now fixed. That I thought never would be. Therefor TI will play.

And this change happened sometime today. I logged out earlier today, broken. Come back in a few minutes ago. Fixed.

Therefore. I play.

And also here’s the thing about the prelaunch

I KEPT every piece from original Cata cuz I like collecting stuff in games for the RP part of it. It was grey level gear. I never planned to mog it. Somone on the Community Council a while back said they think we should be able to mog grey level gear. Now we can in retail.

There are multiple addons that auto sell all grey level items and once sold if you log out they are gone forever. Many people lost their Twighlight Cultist gear forever in original Cata cuz of that. This version they just gave out the mog set and this version looks slightly better.

And in Wrath Classic. Forums were swarmed by people claiming they were unsubbing because of the deaths from Wrath prelaunch. So Blizz props wont release another Classic prepatch where lots of people die at random.

They just made two major changes that I have been asking for, for quit some time now in Cata. Blizz knows what they did. So if it stays that way, I stick around in Cata. If they can fix that in such short notice then there is hope that other things will get fixed as well.

And also… shammy bars…have not been glitching since I made that last report.

And also

I purchased the Blazing Epic Upgrade. That is 79.99 So yes, I DID pay for it. People buying stuff like that is what helped the expac launch. Servers take a lot of money to run and to launch That helped fund it.

Let me sum up he situation and give you some options:

  1. Stop whining and play the game as provided. Fixes are ongoing. Abusing the devs will not make that process go faster and just makes you look like an uninformed entitled scrub.

  2. Stop whining and leave. Go play something else. Your whinging is not going to change anything.

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Found the dev alt. Kevin Durant of WoW devs here lmao

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Yes, I find that the scrubs that can’t string together two sentences into a coherent argument have to resort to cheap personal attacks. Try harder. You don’t even scratch the surface.

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Lmao. 100% a salty dev account.

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You poor deluded simp. This just proves what a lowlife you are. I’d give you the opportunity to prove you claim but I won’t bother. Not only am I not in Blizzard’s employ but I’m not even in the US. You are just an outright liar. Oh yes, you just made the list.

Because some people just love to be mad at anything and everything. I suspect they are this way in real life as well.

This is probably more important in this industry.

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How is that at ALL relevant to putting your best foot forward? You work somewhere, and you give your boss/the consumer an unfinished product, and then what? You tell them to get over it? That you’re overworked? If your employer gives you an unreasonable timeline for something, and you believe it’s ridiculous or will at least make YOU look bad to put out an unfinished product, why do it? If it was me, I’d rather quit than have anything like that have my damn name on it, and that’s a fact.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve worked on video games, or you’re an architect and have a deadline for a project, I would never put my name on something that looks like a complete trashcan no matter WHO is really to blame. Get real.

What’d u expect cata is the single worst xpac that had the most sub losses. Classic should of stopped with WOTLK or imo TBC, in hindsight TBC was worlds better. Imagine TBC without gdkps, added balanced pvp servers like in sod, zone strict summons and no portals. No dual spec, buffed raid boss health of everything but Sunwell. Zoomers would hate it though


Nothing to do with anything we’re discussing in this thread, not to mention there are a bunch of different reasons people unsubbed, and for all we know it’s not because it’s “bad” The arthas story ended from WC3, and people didn’t want to go on and you can’t prove otherwise.

I remember a time when devs actually had an open dialogue, and it was way after the Tseric incident. Bringing up Tseric is irrelevant. Mainly because instead of ignoring toxic posters or banning them, he decided to go into the pits and mud sling with them. That’s on Tseric.

Years after that incident Blizzard devs continued a dialogue with the players right here on these forums, and none of them stomped off. So you need to take another shot at rationalizing why there’s no communication.

This feels like every training class I’ve ever been to for customer service positions.