We cannot continue to have no open dialog about the state of the game

You have zero point of reference to draw from. You have no idea what it would look like for Blizzard to “put their best foot forward” because you’ve never done that type of work.

I guess not if you’re holding them to a different standard than the rest of game development since the dawn of the creation of video games, you see as time has gone on, and blizzard isn’t the only company guilty of this, game dev studios have released more and more games into a beta state for AAA money. Now if we hold ALL studios to the standard that WAS, with the beginning of console games releasing FINISHED (I KNOW, WTF IS THIS FINISHED STUFF) you may understand where the rest of us “Been-around-the-block” people are even coming from, but you’re one of those “If you don’t have what I have or do what I do, you can’t have an opinion” which is absurd.
SO, if you’re holding them to some new, absolutely ridiculous standard, then yes I suppose you’re right, I have no clue what’s it’s like for Blizzard to put their best foot forward.

Still doesn’t have anything to do with anything.
The point is, for ANY amount of money, whether you pay for a material good, or a service, you DESERVE to get what you ‘expected’ to pay for.

Right, glad we could arrive at that conclusion. You have no point of reference to make an assessment of how hard or how little Blizzard employees are working.

If that’s the case, the only expectation you should have is access to the servers. That is clearly outlined in the EULA that you did not read.

I mean, if you remove all context, which I provided, I guess you get to win, right?

Interesting, access to the servers isn’t what you’re paying for when you buy the blazing epic upgrade, do you? Gonna be difficult to argue with this one, but I’m interested to see the cope you come up with to defend Blizzard by any means necessary…
Makes me wonder which position you hold in the company, and how many shares you own.

That thing you call “context” is irrelevant here. You have no idea what it’s like to work on a video game. Therefore, it logically follows that you cannot make an assessment on Blizzard’s work ethic.

Yes, logic always wins, sorry to say.

What do you think the blazing epic upgrade entitles you to?

Do what I do, or have what I have, or you don’t deserve an opinion. Such a ridiculous standard.

Why not?
The game is being RE-released. Everything was working and fixed at one point in time.
When most of these bugs (obvious bugs) made it out to their release build for prepatch, when even myself alone, with the limited testing I did myself, reported a plethora of bugs, it boggles my mind.
Do YOU have proof they work really hard? Go ahead, tell me where you work at Blizzard.

Except you aren’t using any, you’re guessing. See I’m using an EDUCATED guess, based on the material provided, you’re coping, telling me they work hard “BeCaUsE YoU DoNt WoRk iN GaMe dEvElOpMeNt”. You have no proof of anything you say.

A working game to use the things you purchased in?
So by your “logic”(if we can even call it that), that I’m not entitled to the game being in a working state? Do you realize how dumb this sounds?

“You’re not entitled to that loaf of bread NOT having mold on it, you’re entitled to ACCESS to the bag it comes in!”
Gtfo bro.

It’s a ridiculous standard that people should have some sort of idea about what they’re talking about in order to be credible?

Well, I can see why you aren’t convincing lol.

Because you have no idea what you’re talking about.

I’m not making a “guess”. I’m simply pointing out that your guess is based off your feelings since you have zero knowledge of how the industry works.

  1. What do you mean by “working game”?
  2. The blazing upgrade does not mention anything about giving you a “working game”.

You are entitled to access to the servers. That’s it. You agreed to those terms when you agreed to the EULA. You should really read things before you accept them blindly.

Alright, that’s the last message I read. You’re straight removing context, and not engaging in good faith. Straight troll.
Good duel, but you run away.
I’m sure we’d all like to know where at Blizzard you work, you working overtime simpin.

No context is being removed. I will accept your concession.

It is not a cop out,everyone complains about everything 24 hours a day here,somehow thinking that Blizzard is different from other game companies. None of them care about us. None of them are completely transparent. None of them immediately fix bugs. I could go on all day about how they are no different. It will not matter though,this community somehow feels like Blizzard is this horrible anomaly when all game companies act the same way. I really do not understand why people keep playing if they hate this company so bad.

they are going to get refunds of the cata pre release packs for other reasons such as it causing a MASSIVE BUG with your toon… if your toon had any professions leveld prior to boosting them. it makes the professions 0/0 , you are unable to level them and you cant un learn them either… basically your char gets bricked

Really all I ask for is some communication. Bugs will happen. Calculation errors will occur. Its something you hope doesnt but it does and always will.

I also know they can communicate. I look at retail and see tons of comms on the alpha. I can flip over to SoD and see tons of comms. This past week we finally saw a little on Cata but up until then it was deader then dead on that front. Its still not nearly as active as it should be considering the state. A state that has improved mind you. Which is an opportunity to say hey we found and fixed these errors and we are still working on these others. So it doesnt have to be all doomer talk from them.

End of the day I just want a hey here it is post. These things are in motion. Look forward to these fixes soon. These things have been righted. We probably get one post raid test conclusion, at least I hope so. I can see that soaking some time which I can respect.

End of the day just toss a dog a bone once in a while.

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We definitely need a response from blizzard about the disaster of a prepatch they put out.

We also need to know what else they are changing and or skipping because they did not give the resources required to the project.

been killed twice trying to dig out in Tanaris

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