We cannot continue to have no open dialog about the state of the game

I agree, they have these open conversations with SoD, where is it for cata? This is what makes people question where are the cata dev’s. It feels like whomever or whatever is being done is a complete after thought because SoD, while surely people don’t like its current state, is still being looked into and helped with massive changes.

Phase 3 alone, remember when there was the stint of about shamanistic rage, and their response was to buff martyrdom and talk about it and why and that they will revisit it at 60.

I believe they also commented on nightmare incursions. They nerfed em, then buffed overall exp gain. They nerfed sunken temple, and beyond whatever you think of the nerfs, they still talked about it and why they did it.

There is none of that going on with cataclysm. As I said, it feels like an afterthought.

I would honestly go as far as to say, it feels like they’re purposely driving it into the ground so that remix feels & looks better. Which, if thats the case…just be open and honest and say that cata classic is the last progression expansion being done and move on with it, but I doubt they will do it, and they will continue to put out low effort production value re-released expansions, because we will continue paying for it, and eventually the numbers will be so low there’s barely a population enough for 3 servers and they will say “there’s not enough player interest. We’re shutting these down.”


You speak as if rushing things out unfinished and terrible communication is something new around here.

There’s a difference between unfinished and completely missing. Half of the prepatch is completely missing.


How I teach my staff to deal with an irate customer is very different.

Step 1. Get me
Step 2. I asses if they are being irite
Step 3. If the answer is yes kick them out of my store.

You can be upset or disappointed all you want but you don’t get to be irate with my staff.

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No Deathwing flying over killing people while he lights zones on fire., no intro to the fall of Zalazane, no Twighlight Cultist invasion as they began to weaken the world to allow the elementals to come in which caused them to start to open rifts and take over for the Tripping the rifts which is the event that also caused those who watched over Azeroth to suggest that we be able to fly over all of Azeroth to help survey and protect the land.

No intro dialog from some of the prelaunch event quests that described that our glyphs were destroyed by Deathwings coming and that those left were all that were salvaged and that we all became weaker as a result.

Yes there is actually a lore reason for what happened and why it did. It was described by this time around last time, but not now.

Too many people complained about the WoTLK prelaunch event which caused the first phase to end early and then the next phase was cut super short…So they probably decided after that that they are never doing any more prelaunch events. Cuz the Cata prelaunch stuff should have happened by now.

If they start it later, that means they have no clue what they are doing. Last Cata, it began immediately.

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Okay? 3 or 4 customers flipped tables and said the food sucks, so they ignore EVERY customer in the restaurant because they don’t like how some of them criticize? Sounds like you’re wearing a full set of shining white armor, with a horse and a lance bro.

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you don’t understand, it’s as tough as answering 5 things about you to a group of people

did you know most game developers don’t own a desktop pc at home now

I remember a time when they tried open dialog. The community was so aggressively toxic about it, that one CS snapped, then quit. And others had mental collapses.


What’s the likelihood that it wouldn’t go the same way again the moment they didn’t tell players exactly what they wanted to hear?

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To be fair, this is how many people in America treat the waitstaff, and the restaurant often panders to them. (Or pretends to and hopes they don’t come back).

I get that communication is low or even bad and that this launch could have been better but they are fixing the bugs, they are working on it and they even updated the stickies, that’s enough no? Why do you need more?

Here’s one of the stickies:

I dunno, yes day 1 was a mess but give it a couple of days please, it’s already much better today.

Which discord server? If there are updates goin out on discord i’d like to be there to read em.

the backfire of giving us back a 2008 game server is that we are not the same 15-20 year olds we used to be and now we know how business works and their bs doesnt work,right?

Bro, if people endured Shadowlands I don’t know what would make them wake up to Blizz just does not care.

Now that you mention it, I do seem to remember that when Wrath Classic came out this time around, the pre-patch event was shut down early because people were complaining about zombie invasions ruining their runs around Stormwind and such.

It does seem realistic that they would forego a similarly destructive pre-patch event (Deathwing killing everyone in zones) in response to past protests.

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Yes… That’s what the work they’ve handed to us has shown…

That’s not the part they removed. Also that goes on throughout the entirety of Cataclysm until patch 4.3, it was not a prepatch event (I got my achievement in Uldum in original Cata)

so it wont happen since this is 4.4?

People have been saying they’re being killed by Deathwing. I can’t confirm one way or the other if this is true or not

Spoken like someone who has never ever worked on a video game before.

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The Cata prepatch was unique in that is was the only one to have multiple stages to it.

First stage was Deathwing flying over you , you would see a big black shadow, he would say some stuff and fly over, then light everything on fire. If you were anywhere near the flames, you would die and he would talk about how he was going to reset everyhing and then would say random stuff as his character is to be a crazy tormented one.

Second part was then when the elementals begin popping up in big groups in low level zones and attacking people, then you find out that the Twighlight Cult is behind a bunch of this stuff so you do some quests to help put a stop to them and to help seal all the portals that they kept opening up. You then got a 3 piece cloth set from that event al grey level gear.

Then the final part is when the trolls have a big battle and you have to fight a log in their island to then get a new troll chieftain. They are upset because the leader of the Taurens was killed and they were blamed for not helping, then the orcs start to panic seeing both the trolls and taurens having that happen so Org gets a huge upgrade to it and becomes more of a fortress.

You get at least two prelaunch feats of strengths and one set of transmog if you loot all the stuff.

But we got a set of Twighlight stuff for free this time.

Not going to lie, this Classic version set is better than the original. That original was a grey set took up space. I bet 99% of people got rid of it. I kept mine from original Cata. so now I can mog those pieces in the regular version of WoW as you can finally mog grey gear.

You got a few other things from that prelaunch event too. I got a staff.

Too many complained about the Wrath prelaunch. We will likely never get one ever again.

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