We cannot continue to have no open dialog about the state of the game

This is such a dumb response, nobody expected it to be plaqued with bugs


They’re demanding a refund for something they never paid for. Are you feeling ok?

Demanding a refund for extra content to a game they expected to be playable. lets correct that.

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A refund of 0$ is 0$. You can pretty it up however you want, the fact remains that they want money back for something they never gave money for

Why people buy what they buy is not any of our concern. A consumer bought a product and has a justifiable belief that it was sold in bad faith. The company they bought it from doesn’t need unpaid PR. The point of this thread is Blizzard should provide a constructive place to talk about this and related issues, and moderate discussions to curate unhelpful comments.

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It is when they’ve spent months complaining about Cataclysm, thereby implying they have no interest in it and by extension calling into question why they would purchase the extra things

Avatar of Flame.

I was actually going to play Cata. But hey guess what? I logged in and…it isn’t Cata. It is completely different from what we had before.

They are putting stuff in that wasn’t there the first time around. And doing stuff such as removing things.

And why did they change the guild to have a UI that guilds did not even have until around Shadowlands. And it was in Dragonflight where they disabled the ability to type /groster and see the guild the way that it was.

And because of that I unsub. Last straw for me. Sick of this company LIYNG and changing everything.

This is total crap Got it? I did not get what I thought i was getting. It is glitchy, it feels like retail, guild chat is now broken sometimes… you cant even see people talking in the guild. Like what they heck?

I’m out. Until they fix things. To fix these glitches. If they don’t, I’m still gone.

No. I paid for the year long sub on 2 accounts just to keep playing the Classics. I am getting a refund on that and will be gone from the game.

The big murloc mount thing you get in retail for that sub. I cancel and get refund on that. Thats all there is to it. Cya. enjoy your broken game.

They FIX it and make it like the way Cata was and the way we were told it was going to be, I come back. They don’t, I don’t. FIX THE GUILD. NOT an original Cata feature.

And glitchy things in other areas as well.

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I dont understand the “premature” release lol. People who actually played the game werent gonna do ICC until August. And if you didnt even hit 80 in the 18 months or something that it was out - just stop lol.

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Premature release meaning that the current release of cataclysm wasn’t ready. not that community wasn’t ready for it


The nerds crying the most literally never even hit 80, let alone sit in ICC for half a year. Games buggy. They will fix it. Still would rather play prepatch than ICC once more

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Homie… you think when a customer goes to a restaurant and complains about the food, the restaurant should just ignore him and pretend he doesn’t exist because he’s making a commotion? Blizzard is a company selling a product.

They aren’t some lone developer just making a game they think is cool in their moms attic and doesn’t listen to what people have to say. They have a team of people, working for a multimillion dollar company, with thousands of people waiting and actively paying money for the product.

You can’t just post a flyer on a lamp post behind the dominoes on 4th street and assume people read it. You need to inform everyone you’re working on it and to be transparent about your actions moving forward. This isn’t some free to play indie game on Steam.


Yes but as a company, this was a stupid choice.

Not at all. I think when a customer goes to a restaurant and their method of complaining about the food is flipping the table over and throwing their plates across the room should be ignored…or, well, they should be thrown out, but you get my point for the sake of comparison

There’s a very clear distinction between constructive criticism (the food here isn’t good, my steak is undercooked and there’s way too much seasoning) and throwing a tantrum (the food here sucks! All the chefs should be fired I want to kick the waiter in his knee do what I want or I’m LEAVING!) that is lost on a lot of people here

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Even if it’s not rational to us, it’s still none of our business. It’s their money and their entertainment, and we are past the validity of their concerns - this is one of the buggiest prepatches in WoW’s history. The discussion here is about Blizzard not providing the service they accepted money for.

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Wow is now giving off new world vibes…a dying, abandoned, buggy mess kind of vibe. I left new world pretty fast.


Well, if they don’t want people commenting on their illogical decisions they probably shouldn’t be talking about them on a public forum, then

Having worked in many restaurants, management will cater to the second person much better than they will the first one. Food for thought

It makes no sense how you can release prepatch without the event. If they released TBC without dark portal tabard event people would be super tight, if they released WOTLK without zombie plague and Karazhan boss people would be super tight.

I’m super freaking tight rn

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The real interesting takeaway here is that people think I’m the psychopath for understanding (not even agreeing, just understanding) that people don’t like being verbally assaulted and might refuse to associate with the people doing it

Doubling down on the name-calling – this is precisely why Blizzard ignores you.