We can ally with genocidal demons...but not forgive Arthas?

I’ll ally with anybody I have a lot of enemies

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Something of which we’re all painfully aware.

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Arthas was not written well during WotLK. Dunno why we expect him to be written well after it.

Wasn’t all that well written before it either.

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Regardless, it’s pretty clear to us in game and out of game that Arthas was never being out and out mind controlled like Anduin was. He was just under the influence.

Good day.

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Gotta give blizzard some credit, they know how to get people to worship villains.

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If a pro jailer cult pops up, I quit.


Ok, let’s not talk crazy. :slight_smile:


Maw Thanos did nothing wrong.

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Who has ever said this?

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Name one villain with half as perky nipples? Wait dont. Family forum


Exhibit a:

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that person just then i recon

*hands “Garrosh Did Nothing Wrong Poster” *

oh please garrosh was a man child. The jailer had no soul… That’s a plus. A bald head like mister clean so you know he’s no slob… It makes sense if you don’t think about it.
And don’t get me started on the nipples. I know hes not hiding anything, they’re right there.

And did we mention he was a robot… I mean he’s got it all. And if that didn’t convince you, you can put things in his chest hole as an extra pocket.

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All he needs is a little reprogramming…

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the differnce between arthas and sylvanas is arthas willingly knowling became evil and corrupt even before getting frostmourne and even under it he ended up taking the helm of domination and overthrowing the spirit of ner’zhul, sylvanas was a beloved general of one of the noble houses many loved sylvanas and respected her in life she was killed forced into being a banshee where all the worst traits were magnified and her soul split being slowly corrupted more and more over time she has an excuse of how she became as she did arthas doesnt, now we go to the orcs of the OG Horde they were genociding the draenei gronn so on so force. they didnt drink the demon blood until the LAST battle which is the battle of shattrath. and yet we forgive the living members of the OG horde who did all that and have 0 excuse saying they were forced into corruption when they went into it knowingly willingly. if you can forgive the horde arthas eredar and yet not sylvanas your a hypocrite

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If I remember right, apparently every alternate is a copy and once that copy dies it returns to the main source. Like um, what’s her name. Thrall’s Mom, apparently she has both MU and AU memories or something.

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So, what was Arthas’ alternative option to the culling? In order for his actions to be morally wrong, there does need to have been a morally correct alternative he didn’t take.

Edit: I propose that as Prince, he had a moral duty to protect as many of his people as he possibly could. This means the morally correct choice would be the one which results in the lease amount of innocent blood being shed.


What?? No he did not. From warcraft 3’s manual:

Still, he had one chance for freedom – one chance to escape his terrible
curse. If he could find a suitable host – some hapless dupe who was torn
between darkness and light – he could possess that body and escape the
confines of the Frozen Throne forever.
Thus, the Lich King sent his vast consciousness out once again and sought
out the perfect host…

You cannot be a fallen if you were always evil!

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