We can ally with genocidal demons...but not forgive Arthas?

I never like Garrosh until SLs.

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He was a little tightly wound but if you needed to win a battle he got it done.

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 what you are saying is
 Purple Wedding him.

Operation TimeWhimey Joffrey is a GO!

All those innocent janitors who lost their lives that day.

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Yeah but he didn’t like tauren so he could never be truly awesome while he was alive.

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Sylvanas “I will never serve” serving the Jailor in the most obvious ploy possible. Ridiculous.

Arthas, the Lich King, arguably the most popular character in WoW history, in the afterlife. Tons of potential and possibilities, completely ignored and turned into a blue puff of anima. Baffling.



Because he hurt Sylvana’s feelings.


Yes, that Garrosh. Though there were aspects in the game that barely got attention that put a better spin on his thought process. Quests where you see orcs talking about how pre-Garrosh being in charge, Thrall basically was fine with the orcs living in destitution and hardship.

I also got the sense that Garrosh’s anger wasn’t just that he had been put in charge, but that Thrall didn’t even stick around to help as an advisor.

This is not to say that I think Garrosh was good or didn’t have clumsy aspects of his writing. Just that his story, in general, was one of the better things the MMO did, in large part because it highlighted the idea that Garrosh cared about the orcs’ plight specifically, while Thrall cared about the world generally. A lot more could have been done with it, and it’s a bummer the writers didn’t plow it better.

Still, at least it was something the MMO could claim as its own. So often the only high points the MMO could offer were just nostalgia plays on characters only meaningfully developed through the RTS.

Admittedly, I don’t know if some random novel or comic tie-in changed the tone of events, but in the game at least it was portrayed that under Thrall the Mak’gora had become a non-lethal fight. The dialogue during the in-game event didn’t make it seem like Garrosh even thought he would be warchief if he won, just that he would would win a contest of honor after he felt like Thrall insulted his dad.

The manner in which they get along right afterwards implies this too - it wouldn’t really make sense for Thrall to remain so chummy with Garrosh if he thought Garrosh had just tried to murder him and take over the Horde.


“Getting sent to hell after losing everything is actually a win!” is definitely a take.

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Garrosh wasn’t angry because of anything.

He’s just angry. Like a rabid squirrel, except dumber.


Well, she’s undead. The Maw’s probably great for her.


Its the afterlife, everyone’s “Undead” lol

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No that isn’t true.

There is a stay a while and listen scene in Oribos where Calia even states that the choices Arthas made were his own.

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Yeah but she’s like a Forsaken DK. Deader than dead.

So again she’s probably right at home in the Maw.


Calia is an out-of-luck socialite hopping from estate to estate spinning her long-expired society credentials for another night’s lodging and some cheap caviar.

She’d spin whatever tales she’d need to in order to stay off the street for just one more day.


Okay well if you don’t want to listen to Calia, Steve Danuser himself confirmed an interview that Arthas was never being mind controlled.

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I apologize if my previous show of remorse didn’t touch the hearts of the rest of the Alliance denizens as much as it did Velen.

I’ve been advised to provide an “uwu” to show a deeper level of remorse. Uwu.

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Well, I’ll give you bonus points for finding somebody even less believable than Calia.

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Conspiracy time, the reason is because Arthas has, rightly or wrongly is considered by some as an allegorical sexual abuser.

And considering Blizzard’s past forgiving him became untenable without making the company look worse. So even if people who cause genocide get a second chance, Arthas doesnt get said chance.

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He is the lead narrative designer. And what’s w/ hatred for him?

SL wasn’t all his fault. He was merely trying to work with the scraps that Alex Afrasiabi had left.

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