We can ally with genocidal demons...but not forgive Arthas?

I was kind of stunned to learn that, after saying how sorry they were for betraying literally all life in the universe for the promise of power and slaying countless billions of innocent people throughout the cosmos, that the Man’ari Eredar are now welcomed into the alliance. I don’t think even the most sincere contrition for their actions warrants getting a pass for that, but I don’t run the alliance so whatever.

However, during Shadowlands we learned that Arthas Menethil was pretty much mind controlled into performing all of his heinous deeds. This was proven even more so as Anduin experienced much the same. I note he is being given a carte blanche forgiveness pass for anything the jailer made him do, which he should.

So I wonder, what makes Arthas so unforgiveable?


Writers being lazy


He killed his dad. Only thing I can think of.

Yea, I also like how Arthas is turned into a anima ball but Sylvanas isn’t outright destroyed and allowed to remain after her deeds.


Its the same reason why Luke Skywalker has been quietly sidelined since Disney took control of Star Wars.

Though it’ll be afew more years before we get any straight answers as to what fueled these decisions.


The burning of Stratholme.

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(Because she is attractive grill)

They even made her nice! All friends here, no killing the princess!

Legitimately made us all forced to simp for her.

If killing her was an option for us players, she’d have been gone.


If he hadn’t done anything then the Scourge would’ve overran the northern kingdoms much faster.


Well, I suspect that the Sin’dorei, for example, will forgive Arthas for ravaging their homelands and killing off a large portion of their people about the same time that Night Elves will forgive Sylvanas.


Remove pandas.

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I am still convinced that they wanted to write-revenge on Arthas, because their own stories fail so badly. While, to this day, Arthas remains one of the most popular characters in WoW lore.

Blizzard - You know my stance on this. I will continue to remind you of your failures surrounding Arthas. If it takes weeks, months, years, decades, I will continue my campaign on this.


I mean, they’re still just secretly getting high off of whatever fel they can get their hands on.


It doesn’t help matters that the Jailer “behind it all along” was a clear retcon along with Sylv’s “half soul” thing.


Playable red spacegoats is definitely lazy writing.


Kindve sounds like Orcs.

Somehow we accepted Orcs after everything theyve done.

Turning Arthas into a fart cloud is worse.


People having problems with Man’ari but not Undead Elves being on both factions is some fine cherry picking. :cherries:

Lore has gone out the window probably around Cataclysm and never came back because it wasn’t boomerang-shaped.

The dragons lost their mortality/powers but come DF you just flip some switches and they’re back. Okay lol.


If we want to argue between one being garbage and another trash…but which one smells worse.

Meh I don’t care at that point.

WoW has never made arthas interesting. Anything I found cool concerning him happened preWoW.

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It not so much the smell, its more that the idea behind doing it to Arthas was so he couldn’t overshadow anything else Blizzard does.

Issues is nothing they’ll ever do going forwards will be as epic as Arthas…Arthas is the Vader of Warcraft. Nothing else could compare in fandom history.


In the case of orcs it took a LONG time to get to where we are today. And they are still not welcome in the alliance. only cooperated with on occasion.