Are Void Elves being destroyed? Have we lost the options to make them betentacled? Have we lost any of the admittedly-odd lore behind them? If these changes hadn’t been made at all, would our ability to play a ren’dorei be any less or greater than they are now?
Sure, you could argue “but muh development resources”, but… Ehh… Not really. It’s not like ren’dorei are getting brand new models or something. They’re just getting skin tones and hair colors copied and pasted from blood elves. I’m sure it’s more complicated than that, but it’s not like a massive development resource. Void elves are getting expanded options, not new options. Like, no new things have been developed for them, just mirrored from already-existing assets.
I love void elves. I have two and then Falothorin who is… his own weird thing in RP. Regardless, I don’t feel like this is taking away from ren’dorei at all. My other ren’dorei are just as voidy as they were before, if not more so. Nothing about the expanded options means that we can’t get new, voidier options added in the future! I’m all about that! Of course, there’s a risk that Blizzard looks at this and goes “dusts off hands good work, we’re done here, velves are complete”. I wouldn’t be devastated, but I would be sad to hear that we won’t get expanded towards being Voidier.
Still, at the surface, there’s nothing mutually exclusive about more Void options and more High Elf options. So, we’ll see! With any luck, in the long run, we’ll get both! As of now, there’s no big loss to being able to play ren’dorei as we have been able to.
It is rather creepy when people go through others post history to look for some “gotcha” post and then stalk them from thread to thread. A lot of people around here have way too much time on their hands.
Hey, you’re just famous I take it as a compliment when people remember me that much. Means I really made an impact, even if it’s weird for them to pull up old posts.
A personalized victim until the end.
Look, I will leave you alone now because in my opinion it’s a very sad state if you first reaction is to post “stalker alert”. It’s ashaming that you also mention me with eRP which shows me that you are not ready for actual conversations. It was a simple question without any negative thought - but given how you have reacted so far it is the best to avoid you.
I use only one account but I keep my profile private due members of my family who also plays the game. I do not want them to get somehow harassed because of me.
I agree. Blood Elves should get Void Elf hair and facial hair along with the scars and tattoos they deserve and should have gotten to begin with. It’s only fair.
I guess that’s fair, but how would people be able to find your family members? They’d have to be true stalkers to be able to go through and track down all of your characters.
okay i don’t care lore’s been dumb for like 3 expacs, cut out class restrictions and give velfs pallies too and blood elves druids or shamans while you’re at it thanks
I posted about my situation in an older topic. I would love to look it up but then, again, someone would call it “stalking his own profile” in their own insecurity.
But to make it short, we’re used to be five family members while four are still playing. I get dragged into almost every content the game has to offer and one of them is a very known PVPer here in Europe. If you want to know it even more, the person who blames me for stalking was the very one who wanted to know how to check pvp alts out in one older posting, which is - given the postings at hand - super ironic now.
Man. Now I’m getting dragged into some serious tea and that’s not what I want. I happen to have a lot of respect for Zan and will hold that respect, even if you two have a ton of beef.
you take other people wanting things very seriously i see, it must truly affect how you sleep at night for your poor blood elven race to not be in the spot light since the purging of dalaran ;-(