We are VOID

Here we go boys!!! They already started ask for more. Quel’thalas is probably down the line.


I’ll bet this isn’t the first one.

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I am a Sin’dorei Blood Mage, that’s what I love about VE, thanks to their customization you can role-play the 6 elven sub-races (Ren’dorei, Sin’dorei, Quel’dorei, FelBlood Elfs, San’layn and skinny Kaldorei) are perfect.


That wasn’t really a request. Also, once again, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. You people need to relax.

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Now you’re trying to gaslight me. It’s not going to work.

You were unironically trying to shame me because you think I have a second account while paying for a US account just to post on the forums with.

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All I’m asking is that void elves and blood elves remain visually distinct.


it hardly makes you bland. It is just a side effect of you being cleansed by The Light!


It’s too late for that.


Yeah I agree with Zand. I don’t even remember arguments I get into with people on the GD a week after they happened.

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You anti everything guys lost this one. Take the L and move on.

Have you met our light and savior Yrel

Yeah that wouldn’t be a big deal for alliance fan that the VOID elf could play paladin and be exactly like a horde race…

Druid option for forsaken/blood elf/NB and goblin when? Oh also when are NB gonna be able to look like NE and be Elune and nature preferred? I mean, it wouldn’t be a big deal for horde player so why not?

Yeah, that all wouldn’t be a big deal because this is a freaking video game.

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You couldn’t take the L for 15 years so you have nothing to say about it.


To put it in the words of the younger race known as humans “Yrel is a lightweight noob.” If she does decide to come through the portal she will be welcome to be trained by the Lightforged in the true ways of The Light.

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Tell that to those who whined since BC.

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And you can’t seem to take the L now. Just move along.

I will. Just point me to them.

This. There is a lot going on over on the forums. And I’ve got other things going on too. And literally memeoy loss due to health problems.

Stalker boi is not good at his job.

All true Zan fans know...

That I got a second account in classic because I was an altoholic but ran a guild and needed mules.

Then I moved some toons onto the mule account in BC.

Then I ran out of alts to level in MoP and got a third account for RP and because boredom.

Then in WoD I got two more accounts because I hit cap on all of my characters before the patch that added holy paladin heirlooms came out and I was bored.

And I use all the accounts to DM RP campaigns where my dudes serve as NPCs.

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Next time you simply don’t post private stuff on a public forum and wonder when it gets mentioned. In fact you shouldn’t have started to make this all about you and how you’re a victim:


And going back to the past postings everyone can see in this very topic that you try to insult me on several levels.

Sorry kiddo. I don’t ERP with people who are lower than level 60

Maybe you should get out of your mom’s basement, go outside, get a life, touch some grass or something. Maybe work on finishing high school and go on to college.

Next time you want to make a point you better look yourself into the mirror before making a fuss about nothing.