We are VOID

I’ve always found this one to be facepalm

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Someone mentioned a PvP site that reveals alts. I was interested in it because I run a guild and there’s a narcissistic dude on WrA who has been messing with me since WrA and I’d like the ability to check and make sure the narc and other persona non grata people aren’t in my guild.

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That’s fair. I used to run a guild, and we actually used an alt checking site to find out that a member who got kicked was using an alt to try and get back in.

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There is actually not much behind it. I read the Helf/Belf discussions for years now. I play since Mists of Pandaria. I started posting some months ago. I know some people for a longer time simply by reading them. People should not post private stuff on a public forums.

In terms of overall customization options, Void Elves lose out to Mag’har’s, Mechagnomes, Kul Tirans, and Zandalari. Though, as anyone could guess, Nightborne and Highmountain are the lowest, and lower than ren’dorei by a few orders of magnitude in terms of overall customization.

I don’t think others are really losing because some options are getting mirrored to Void Elves. That can’t be too big a development resource crunch.


truth is i sleep very peacefully speaking for myself. i accepted where the high elf story went and have been playing one for well over a DECADE

i suspect the option to go by the race of ‘high elf’ is up there too

“can we get the blood elf arcane racials too”


Yeah that type of thing happens.

Feel free to mention that you asked me about the link.

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Seems like they are gonna stick with Alleria’s ideal of void elf instead.

Since when did WoW keep up with lores anyways?

“First Time?”.jpg


This remark reeks in a gross way.

Do you also have opinions on how women dress?

What are you guys even fighting now.

This argument sounds like it should be dumped into the VOID.

While I agree that we shouldn’t look like cut and paste high elves, there is really nothing in the lore to imply we are physically changed to such a degree that our hair of all things should turn into void tentacles. Take Sindorei for an example. The fel influence changed their eyes, the Sunwell changed the tone of their skin. But it didn’t manifest itself through actual physiological changes to the body itself.

The only physical changes that elves have gone through have been through natural occurring environmental changes, ie height, weight, ear angle, etc. aside from the original evolutionary change that was spurred by our initial contact with the Well of Eternity. The actual cause of this change hasn’t been explained and could very well be due to Elune’s meddling rather than the arcane effects.

So again, I agree that void elves should not have the option to look just like a high elf or blood elf, but the tentacle hair concept is not really in line with what I feel to be a natural side effect of the Void.


Well… free bumps? :woman_shrugging:

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if Blizzard just gave separate high elves as allied race to begin with, this would not have happened. So I am gonna say that there is no one to blame but the company itself for not giving two separate playable identities.

They just decided to band aid the mess by putting both into one. We high elf fans have no other choice but to accept what is given to us. It’s like Christmas present, we wanted pony for a present, but they gave us a donkey.


I liked the pizza vs panini sammich from earlier more… XD


Well you’re not wrong. This is what happens when 1) Rule of Cool runs the show and 2) implementation is rushed without adequate time for conceptualization and research.

In other words… “This would be cool! Let’s do it!!!” is a horrible corporate model for a persistent world game.


Okay little man, I’m going to spell it out for you because you can’t seem to rub two brain cells together enough to understand. Maybe it’s getting lost in translation.

I have severe executive dysfunction from a chronic illness. One symptom of executive dysfunction is poor memory.

I struggle to remember things, especially things that aren’t important to me.

I struggle to remember things for more than 30 seconds. Someone can give me verbal directions and there’s a good chance that I’ll forget what they said in the beginning before they reach the end.


  1. You’re not important to me. I didn’t even remember who you are and had to go back through your post history because you’re that unimportant.
  2. I can’t remember stuff, especially stuff regarding some unimportant nobody that happened months ago. Not only do j have a memory disability, I also have a life outside of the forums.

Again. Stop posting private stuff on the internet. How foolish can someone be. Please delete this posting.

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Uh. No you.

Can you married couple please bicker someplace else?
Not that I don’t mind the free bumps, they’re off topic by a galaxy.

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