We are VOID

Yes. They should have. Blame blizzard for botching a long-standing player request, and then backpedaling half-assed.


Le gasp what a terrible state of existence in which to pass one’s mortal blip in time… whispers of pure madness and octopi shenanigans are the spice of life, sir!

Also I kinda miss the old VE voices:


Why is it that all elf fans are the most pretentious?

Like bruh…

Let people enjoy things. Blizzard isn’t removing that option to be a blueberry.


I wish Blood Elves had options to make my elf like I want. But Blizzard didn’t separate the beard and mustache options for is like they did other races. They didn’t give us scars or ranger tattoos/paint like we had in WC2.

All they did was continually take elements of Blood Elves and give them to Void Elves with nothing in return. We didn’t even get a complete customization pass.

Blood Elves, especially are basically second class citizens.

I’m going to resubscribe for a month just so I can cancel again and complain about how screwed Blood Elves are in my feedback.


Which one of your two accounts?

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Mild stalker alert.


I hope they add in more void y options as well. I personally like the void aesthetic a lot but this is def one of those last resort plz don’t leave our game moves.

Other AR are getting stuff to so I’m w.e. About it


You mentioned it back a few months ago when you talked about your +50 blood elves. What you shouldn’t have posted was something completely personal and you know what I mean. Go back and remove it.

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Also, trans rights are human rights. :transgender_flag:


No you should not resub and give them more money. Unfortunately i took the 6 month so i have to wait till January to unsub but i won’t be playing after that. Giving them money for a bad decision ins’t the solution.

If blizzard want to give blood elf to the alliance for a few more sub then they will do it in a dead game because i hope more people leave this game until then.

Tovi, this is his exact post. If he made a later post saying that he wanted a High Elf then sure, whatever, but the point is that TC tried to say they are not anti-high elf and then IMMEDIATELY went to an anti-high elf comment based on a comment that never even mentioned anything about high elves. Specifically this post.

My point was that TC quite literally contradicted their first post by the third post of the thread.

Both of them can be hypocrites and contradictory, does not invalidate my point with TC though.


Well I run a guild, so I’m going to eventually resub anyhow.

As an aside…
I had to look up who that creepy stalker goblin is because I totally forgot, as I tend to do about low level trolls that don’t matter.

Turns out they are a sad little European Anti-Belf stalker who cares so much about harassing Pro-Belf people that he pays for an extra subscription just to post on his sock puppet here.

He’s does a lot of projection, shows a distinct lack of empathy, and seems to think very very very highly of himself.


These are postings which are public… if you don’t like that people remember things you tell here, then don’t post anything private on public forums.

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Hello dearies.

I come to this thread to say I loved the last two gnome races and I am requesting High Gnomes!! :kiss:


Sorry kiddo. I don’t ERP with people who are lower than level 60 so I don’t know why you are posting at me.


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I’m honestly glad that High Elf players are finally getting the customizations they’ve been asking for (they still aren’t getting paladins which is fine). I also hope that Void Elf fans get more voidy customizations in the future as well, to really play into the Void Elf aesthetic. Heck, lets give Blood Elves some really unique stuff as well that really sets them apart from their Void Elf counterparts. And Worgen tails, Mechagnome more flesh and parts options, more Panda options over all (these are sorely needed), even MORE Nightborne options than just ears, etc.

The point is, as players, we shouldn’t bemoan when Blizz gives us stuff that at least some players want. Instead, we should be happy that others are happy and hope that Blizz does something nice for us as well. So much me/us vs them when Blizz is the real problem behind not doing more customizations. And if losing half their players and a lawsuit was what it took to motivate them to change course, then so be it. At least now they appear to be listening and that can only be a good thing moving forward.


I am against High Elves being Void Elves. The both are too different to be shoved in the same box. But they did it anyway.
They should have been a separate entity. The only customisation they have added to Void elves since release is not void elf customisation. it’s high elf customisation.

Alleria is as much like us Void elf PC as Jaina is like the Kultiran PC, as how Sylvanas is like the Undead PC.


My point was his very next post was saying exactly what Unian was talking about. It wasn’t “later”, it was a minute afterwards. I just don’t get the point your were making or if you didn’t see that.

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