We are VOID

They have high elf lore just like any elf hailing from Quel-thalas. The void elves may lack in their own personal lore, but they have high amounts of potential lore in the future. We are undoubtedly going to have a very void-fixed theme in the future, and guess what race consists largely of void… you guessed it.

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Void is so 2018. I got my Nzoth shots and no longer feel the urge to mutter in eldritch nor go dancing with octopi


But you won’t be playing a high elf and won’t have more lore… Don’t you realise that this is just a sad attempt to keep some sub with the minimal amount of effort? This is just a indication that even blizzard probably aren’t confident enough about the upcoming content and story so they now try to use ‘‘new’’ customisation that will probably just be copy from other race. LF are just going to have some of the draenei option and NB are just going to have so NE option…

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As far as I am concerned, Blood Elves are the continueation of the High Elven lore. The High Elves as a race might as well be dead. They have no cultural distinction that is not already in the Blood Elves, they do not have a populous mindset that is not already existing within the Blood Elves. The fact that people would want High Elves when the Blood Elves exist, is absolutely beyond me, but the general idea is that this is not a wish from Warcraft fans, but from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings fans - which I am inclined to agree with.

I agree to an extend. These recent news is a grab for subs.
But my opinion still stands. There are a whole lot more potential for the Void Elves in a void-expansion.


I don’t see how this give more future void elf lore…

Which is already the worst reason ever. I am a tolken fan but this is wacraft not the lord of the ring…

I never said that their wasn’t any potential, my point is about the lack of chance of blizzard using this potential. That customisation decision in that exact moment give me even less hope for them to focus on making a good story.


Or at the very least add more void like options. Sha skin augments, void tattoos, etc etc.


I get the will of dragons part, but what are they referring to in the quotation?

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I don’t are if they add High Elf options, as long as they don’t forsake Void Elf options. Moonguard is full of High Elves (And giant male Worgen) which makes Void Elves look more unique.

Void Elves are far cooler than both, Blood Elves and High Elves who are just humans with pointy ears. Just look at them. Magic, light, human loving boring relationships, etc.

At least Alleria and Turalyon’s relationship is interesting with their opposite states.


Because Void Elves deal a whole lot in void, and with a primarily void themed expansion, yeah, it makes sense that the Void Elves are at the forefront.


This I can wholly agree with. There is a risk that Blizzard might not even see this incredibly potential they have set up, and thus not use it. But as you said, the potential is there, it is just up to blizzard whether they manage to do any good with it or nothing at all.

I am… mildly optimistic, because this one is easy.

If Void Elves had more void-customization options than just a blueberry skincolour and glowy pieces of hair, I would be inclined to agree. Sadly, the High Elf fans ruin the chance of Void Elves ever getting more strictly void-themed customization, because High Elf fans would rather see blizzard use ressources on making pointy-eared humans.

Magic is an elven thing, the light… argueably an elven thing too.

Yeah, High Elves are weird man.


Hm… Raden fell after the Void Elves were added. Ulduar perhaps?


I mean, as a horde player i though that Shadowland was a easy potential story for a faction that have many race with strong connection with their dead and one race that kind of come from the shadowland…

Ooo, where do I get that.

Just to correct you here: Blizzard is at mistake, not the players. The should have released the Alliance High Elves long time ago instead shoving them retroactively into an allied race nobody asked in the first place. They can look cool and whatsoever but this is not what the player base wanted.

You don’t order a Pizza so you get a Panini Bread. It’s basically the same but goes against your own request. Either you shove it now down your throat or simply request the actual deal you wanted to have.

Besides, 80% of the transmog does not fit the Void Elves. Believe me, I have two of them. One uses the Heritage Armor with the Void Elf-based colorization of a Legion artifact weapon and the another one still struggles to find something suitable.


They should never have indulged these High Elf “fans” in the first place, and left all of that customization for the Blood Elves. Players are definitely to blame when the High Elves are already playable - but on Horde.

They ordered a pizza and then sent it back because it did not have enough cheese.


I agree except for the last part.


Ordering implies we knew we were going to get anything. It was more like a wish.
Yea a pizza would be nice right now.
Oh, free Panini, yum!


What’s happening to void elves is extremely disappointing. They had this potential to be a really cool fringe race, and now they really are diet blood elves. I would not be surprised if by the end of this, they’ll have more total customization options than blood elves.

We got the shorter end of the stick this expansion with customization. A few hair styles, eye color options, and ear sizes. Females got some low rez jewelry. Where’s our unique stuff?


They were never intended for the Horde-side but were given to them due the lack of players. A similar argument can be brought up with Pandaren who were designed during TBC for the Alliance but were made available for both sides. There were enough player request for over a decade to justify for High Elves to be playable and it’s time to accept that they are finally here.

That’s right - but it’s time that the Alliance get their wish fulfilled after the Orcs get a straight back and the Magh’ars to be playable. The sooner they can play as something as they want to the better it will be for the rest of us.

Yes - but you can take it for the team. You’ll get new options in the future. I’m also not okay with several options every race has to offer but the Alliance Void Elves were in a dire need next to the Worgen and all AR. Let’s see how the Nightborne turn out.

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What’s done is done and now there’s no taking back the new, hair colors… I just hope they don’t forget that there are void elf fans and that we would like more voidy customization :cry:


Those updates will likely follow with a future update. I really don’t think they will abandon the Void aspect of the Void Elves - but the High Elf request was simply too much for staying relevant, especially the past four years.