We are VOID

I was thinking about the opposite. Yeeting a stalker into the sun.

Basically I made an on topic post and this guy started harassing me. I’m going to stand up for myself against scummy stalkers when they’re mentioning me.


I do appreciate you choose the sun compared to the Void. We’re kind of full already.


You’ll always be the PPP to me (that’s Purple Popsicle People).

/moo :cow:


Sooo I shouldn’t compliment Norzdormu on his horns?

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Gracias Señor Chang!

/moo :cow:

Depends on which timeline.

Nah not anymore you’re not. It’s only a matter of time until Blizzard finally caves and gives High Elves paladins.

Joking aside idk which would be better, for them to scrap void elves and call you High Elves or just keep void elves. The whole Void Elf story was…well there wasn’t one. Even the rep needed to unlock them has absolutely nothing do with them.


Well, the stuff in 8.3 gave us ‘story’, if we got corrupted… I guess? I do hope we get more cause I agree with you… such potential… such :poop: execution.

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How about you delete yours since all you do is spout genuine frontier gibberish just go alliance since you have no problem with blood elves loosing what little bit they had left.

This will come back to haunt the company but i doubt they will care at all till it is too late. I am not going to be happy cause we are still mugged and I know we will never ever receive a correct NIghtborne model cause that would require doing ACTUAL WORK something the company seem to not to be able to do since they need do things that got them in a huge law suit.


I always thought this was odd but I just chalked it up to not paying attention to the Argus storyline.

Anyways they were Broken, weren’t they?

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Careful there a Void Elf Karen who said using the emotes is by pass of the mature language filter.

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Yup and I think Alleria had maybe one interaction with them where she tells Turalyon she’ll go with them for one mission.


You will, in likely ten years.


first 3 seasons were legendary


your living in fantasy land if you think this game will last that long.


It will. The older Blizzard games are also still accessible online.

No it will not and there are many reasons… the fact the numbers are so low and they did this as a means to stop people leaving is a outright joke. Mean while i watch my friends who are now in FF stream it last night and i was really impressed the out fits are 100% better than what we have. They are skimpy on both male and female . Have actual beaches you can really enjoy 1 character can be any class outfits that can be recolored. and Guild and player housing. Things blizzard shuns cause it ruins immersion. Well they screwed over the Immersion with the lore and adding void elves.

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Any guesses on how long it’ll be before the demands for paladins and changing the name to High Elf start polluting the forum?


They’ve been asking for this for a while now.

Along with changing the race name to “High Elves,” Belf hairstyles, Quel’thalas, removal of the effect of their racial. Basically everything short of the deletion of BEs.