We are in Control; Not you Blizzard

Damn, he got me guys. It’s over for me.


You know you can cite a source name without using a direct link, right?

you know you can take 3 seconds to use google like I did

I certainly could, but I’m not going to. It’s not my responsibility to reinforce a claim that you made

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You certainly seem to be intrigued by it. Are you that lazy.

This is a joke… I cant take responsibility for this thread turning into whatever “this” is now that we’re talking about.

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Actually not really, I couldn’t care less. I’m just pointing out the fallaciousness of your arguments

Don’t quit your day job

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The funny part is you just said stop standing in front of the mirror. He is literally the one that called everyone undeducated. :rofl: You can’t make this stuff up.

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Dude stop talking to me, I’m in time out, you’re gonna get me in trouble!!

again… my words twisted and used for your own evil doing. rofl

So what did you mean by “I’m done here… feel like I’m talking to a bunch of uneducated people.”? Was it just sarcastic? You think we’re smart!

Please enlighten me on what you actually meant by that. Maybe there is some hidden meaning I’m not aware of in that sentence.

Actually nevermind. I was eating some food and just looking around on the forums and I got DC’ed. I’m hopping off the forums to go wait 0 seconds in queue and start playing again. Again good luck in your new adventures 17 days from now!

Control is an illusion

the blizz apologist are strong in this thread

It IS your fault for choosing to play on a server that is designated as a mega server.

You thought there wasn’t going to ever be a que time around an expansion launch? Man you are BOLD.

You do have options to leave it like everyone else if you wish to do so.

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Cool, one less rogue.

take your friends and guild with you to help promote a healthy server elsewhere. That friends and guildies thing is a cop out when you can all move for free.

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You are correct. Mispeled wrote a great post on this in the CC and I’m trying to spread it:

I think there was a gunslinger who said “There are other servers than these.”

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You all act as if the queue has been here the entire time you’ve been playing while in fact it has only been here since launch of prepatch. It will 100% go down over time and there won’t be a queue. Y’all need to chill

i payed them money to play on the server im on. I can’t get it. They took my money. I didn’t pay them to play on another server. Yes i am aware I can play on another server.

Any comment to add about me not being able to play on the server I PAID THEM FOR?

Sorry bro, but you paid to play the game and not the server. The subscription allows you exactly that.