We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

yes. we cant wield the light. we are constantly on the verge of throwing everyone in the void. even an undead can wield the light. we’re like the only healers with access to the priest class, that have to use shadow to heal. we’re like the negative of a helf or a belf.

Outside of politics…Specifically. How? And please don’t use headcanon. Back it up.


But nothing you said has shown them to be evil. I mean, a cornerstone of their lore is using the Void for the good of Azeroth.

I’m not sure why they flagged you, this is going to happen and WE will have High Elves … it’s gonna be great with no factions because we had to join together or die off to fight the next foes!

If they get rid of factions it won’t be World of Warcraft anymore. It’ll be world of generic fantasy mostly ripped off from DnD craft.


Don’t need anymore.

It’s like saying a member of BLM and a member of the Alt-Right are exactly the same and interchangeable. I know it’s kind of silly to bring real life into a discussion about the game, but it’s a great example of why they’re different.

So biologically, they are the same exact race?

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to quote chris metzen in 2005 when high elves were planned and implemented in TBC, the godfather of warcraft lore, ‘blood elves are our high elves’

subs skyrocketed and peaked in wrath after the horde got the high elf race, it did not ‘destroy their business’

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Yep, but there’s so much more to it than biology.

It’ll still be warcraft … we aren’t playing World of Factioncraft now

we’re talking about now. not tbc.

So you want to copy/paste the same exact race on to the opposing faction.

Making that race neutral from a gameplay perspective.

Which I strongly feel should not be done. I don’t want the faction lines blurred. I don’t see it adding anything positive to the story.

I don’t want this done for any race. I don’t want gnomes, dwarves, humans, copied to the Horde.


if it didnt ‘destroy their business’ back then why would it now? you claim the alliance dont like void elves yet they are most played AR by a mile. at lvl 120 they are neck and neck with draenei only behind humans and night elves who are miles ahead

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Come on, you should know better than to ask Hyperspace to explain her claims.

agreed. which is why, for like the ten thousandth time it has been said, we mostly dont mind if they are changed to be visually different but not to the point they are no longer high elves and certainly not to the point they have tentacles (we already have blue tentacle people called the draenei)

lol is that my buddy hyper?

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Yeaaaaaah boi.

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Sorry, I can not accept them changing visually.

That goes against the lore.

And I know how important the lore is to the HELFer movement. its like cornerstone reason they are asked for.

I mean…I know the true reason isn’t that you want to play a white elf on the Alliance…right?

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That’s ok. I feel like Quel’Dorei would make a wonderful Allied Race. People can disagree, it’s fine, or if blizz does decide to disolve the factions, and give the blue eyed option, then I’ll make a Quel’Dorei and play him.

yep. tis me.