We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

Oh yeah an Alliance city, staying neutral in the Battle for Azeroth.

There’s not a single Silver Covenant-representative NPC militarised on the Alliance side of conflicts this expansion.

I didn’t say they weren’t associated with the Alliance, I said they serve Dalaran and the Kirin Tor first. This is fact. Khadgar gives the orders.

if dalaran wasnt neutral, jaina never would have had to go to wrynn after her purge of the sunreavers to declare dalaran is joining the alliance. the SC are a tiny militia aligned with dalaran and the kirin tor, technically they are neutral. that is why after the purge they accompany jaians kirin tor to isle of thunder as her ‘kirin tor offensive’ not the SC offensive to again appear in the only context they ever appear in; countering the sunreavers and serving as nothing but story tools to show the divide of the high elf people or further another much more important characters story

even after jaina leaves dalaran because the council wished to revert back to neutrality, the SC did not follow her back to the alliance. they remained within the neutrality of dalaran. then they followed khadgar and the kirin tor to suramar. they appear for the hunter campaign regardless if you are alliance or horde

if that isnt enough to quell your fanfictions, the fact that dalaran isnt even in the faction war and khadgar declares the city will never again pick sides before going to karazhan pretty much ends them

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They could always just add high elves. Might hurt a few hordies feelings but, if that’s what it takes…

That’s not the point. That’s literally irrelevant.

My point was that players want to play the High Elves who never fell. They understand how few and far between those people are. They know they’re leaderless.

Fun fact, Void Elves canonically can’t be larger than High Elves. They didn’t have a strict “racial” leader until the story gave them one. Things change, that’s the point of talking about High Elves. Things can change.

Are the currently in a situation that makes sense? No. At the same time they make as much sense as Void Elves and Mag’har. Exactly how many are there really? A few hundred? A thousand? There are almost certainly more disparate High Elves. They just need something to pull them together.

That’s how lore works. It evolved based on current situations. Or will we ignore the races that are few and far between to begin with?

Exactly what has been stopping us to this point?

During Vanilla through to early Cata, the Zandalari were neutral.

There are also no Hozen militarised on the Horde side, despite the fact they’re still part of the Horde and there’s still that one random hozen who occasionally pops up in the Kor’kron training in the Great Seal

Dal started as Alliance, in that on the Horde you had quests to attack them. It went neutral in WotLK due to the whole blue dragonflight nonsense. During Cata, Sylvannas attacked some of Dalaran’s outlying settlements, and MoP basically confirmed it was only neutral because of the Sunreavers

Then, well, MoP happened. But Dal’s been Alliance for a fair smack of the game’s lifespan

During Legion, I had both Garona and Shaw working for me. Now they’re each other’s counterpart on either side. Everyone was neutral in Legion, with the exception of Sylvy and Genn

Fyre, we’ve been through the calling other people’s point fanfiction thing and how badly I’ve run your arguments through that. Let’s not restart that otherwise I get to point out the argument of “Silver Covenant are bound to the Kirin Tor’s instructions” isn’t stated anywhere in the game and can quite easily be considered as fanfiction

Nothing has stopped you from ignoring that. Nothing has stopped those races from coming forward when Blizzard feels like it.

The point about High Elves is that there are more than enough of them, based on at least one example, to be a race. Blizzard simply doesn’t want to do so for their own reasons.

The argument that “the story has progressed” or “the story has been told” is like saying that there’s no reason to look at America History vs British History. We were, at some point, the same people, right? Within a few years of separation we were already different. Within two decades we had changed radically.

The idea that High Elves don’t have their own outlook and forward story just because they share a past with another political group is silly.

It’s like saying Americans and Britains are the same in Colonial era’s. Except that Americans fought to the death to prove they were’t and ought not be the same.

Actually we were perfectly happy being British until King George squeezed too hard, and the Revolution was carried out by a minority. History shows that the majority of the colonists were either neutral or loyalists.

In fact, America’s last instinct was to rebel, they tried every other avenue to maintain relations first.


whether you want to admit it or not. the high elf race itself fell when 90% of the population was lost and the high elf people rebranded themselves blood elves after a national tragedy

those that refer to themselves as ‘high elves’ do so to show political dissent. the term no longer represents an ancient race that discovered quel’thalas and the sunwell but a few exiled refugees in dalaran or a hut just south of quel’thalas

all you are doing is clinging to an adjective and a desire. because it most certainly isnt about the lore. the lore of what? raising children in dalaran or the life of exiled hut hermits? please. all you want is access to a horde race without playing the ‘icky’ horde


10% survived. 10% of those didn’t approve of the cultural shift.

That’s still more than Void Elves. Political dissent is literally how distinct nations form amongst a species. Calling them the same species is fine, but calling them the same people is blind.

Edit: Void vs Blood.

I heard a rumor though that all high elves were being killed off?


you also cant cite a single thing that says the 10% who rejected the rebranding are alliance high elves. the only lore about alliance high elves is that a few individuals would remain loyal after anasterian withdrew from the alliance. its not an accident the exiles chose to remain in dalaran, a city with a long association with quel’thalas and the high elf people, and huts just south of quel’thalas and not stormwind or actual alliance territory

the alliance does not have a high elf state or army, the horde does

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i represent the exact opposite of what helfers asked for, generally speaking. they wanted the helfs that werent belfs. but they not only got belfs, renamed velfs, but velfs are much worse than belfs ever were on the scale of potential for evil.

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i’m so evil, i dont even qualify as a paladin.

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Lol so you come into this thread, flag it and THEN participate in it?

That’s not what the flag function is for. But you already knew that.

Blue, Blue!

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its amazing to me that they cant see how velfs didnt remotely resolve the request. they have potential to be interesting… nothng so far… .but they’re like the first race, outside of undead, who have the most chances of their potential being evil.

blue sylvannas

could add high elves then cause it wouldnt be a faction issue.

its amazing to you that they didnt make a core race neutral?