We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

At this point. Can Blizzard just kill off the SIlver Covenant? Preferably via N’zoth smacking Dalaran into the sea?


If the faction divide comes to an end, It would be great.

Besides, the Alliance could finally stop complaining.
The high elves are totally playable if you play horde. get rid of the factions, and the high elves are totally playable for everyone.

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And he sticks the landing! OP takes the gold in our mixed mental gymnastics event here tonight!





Of course, completely ridiculous to believe alliance players would stop complaining.

But at least all the raiders wouldn’t be on one side anymore, You’d just have all the raiders on the only side that exists. And all the racials would be balanced because everyone could use all of them. :stuck_out_tongue:


Wc3 had an amazing storyline. Always loved how even when you finish the Human campaign, you still lose in the end. People are still debating to this very day over whether or not Arthas’ purge in Stratholme was justified.

Wc2’s storyline was as generic as they come. It’s just a stereotypical defeat the enemy and rise to become the leader of your faction in the end.


I thought Blood Elves werent High Elves? Now that races are going to be cross faction that argument is suddenly out the window? Speaking of hypocrisy.

Is it wierd that each of the races I play has a good reason to be on the faction they are?

My Elf: Got imprisoned by Dalaran in the Third War by Garithos men. She passed herself off as a “Human” ( Since I rolled her in Vanilla, and used a red hood to hide her ‘ears’.), but was a frequent target by a group of Paladins who disliked her fel magic use.

My Troll: Shatterspear Troll. Guess what the Night Elves did to his Tribe?

My Orc: Fought in the First War and the Second to a lesser extent, serving a tour of duty at Stonard. He has deep regrets for his choices, but a high mistrust for humans due to how they tortured his clan in the internment camps.


The Blood Elves and the High Elves are literally the same group of people. After the destruction of Quel’Thalas, The remaining few High Elves named themselves the “Blood Elves” in reverence of their fallen brothers, As they looked for other ways to sustain themselves in the face of their mortality.

Other than a deep respect for their lost kin, they are the EXACT same race, Many of which are so old they’re from the exact same group of people.


I mean, I know that. But when I pop the argument Blood Elves are High Elves, the High Elfers go bananas on me saying they are different and should have different models etc etc. :woman_shrugging:


They do not have blue eyes. They have green eyes. Green is a completely different color!!!

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It’s really not troll flagging when the entire community hates the subject, and on top of that it’s not troll flagging when you circumvent locks on a thread to spam.

This thread? It’s against the rules 100%.


To be fair, a lot of High Elf supporters were actually disenfranchised by this.

Personally, I have two friends that just quit. It wasn’t that they didn’t like Void Elves as an idea, it was that it was a half step that felt more like a cheap gutting of the race they wanted to satisfy an arbitrary visual ideal.

People who want High Elves want unfallen High Elves. They want the race that stuck to their core and didn’t fall into fel, didn’t need a Naaru to save them, didn’t need the Sunwell coming back because they were handling it.

They want High Elves as they existed in the lore. Blood Elves are the wrong theme and story, and Void Elves (all of which are defector Blood Elves) only further this problem by being even further from what they want.

It sounds good on paper, but it’s a shadow (heh) of what they wanted. They didn’t want Blood Elves turned traitor turned Void Elves. That’s not the story and history they wanted.

Ion commented that the Blood Elf story is the High Elf story, but it misses literally every nuance since WoW has existed. He’s just not understanding, or he’s saying it because he has to, or he’s genuinely that blind.


Well most high Elf pusher have no idea what they are talking about.

They also say things like the high elves are integral to the identity of the Alliance.
The only ever part of the Alliance of Lordearon, Which was a different group from the modern day Alliance. Additionally, the High elves were only ever allies of convenience to the Alliance, and continue to only be allies of convenience to the Horde. Historically, the high elves actually have very little loyalty to anyone but themselves. Considering they are actually one of the least numerous races on Azeroth, it’s pretty funny that they are also the most played race.

Regardless of ALL that, putting an end to the clunky, outdated Faction divide would make both sides happy. Besides, it hardly would effect horde players, most raiders and participating players are already there anyways.


THE High Elves renamed themselves Blood Elves. SMALL POCKETS OF OUTCASTS stayed where they were. Unorganized. Leaderless. The only possible person that comes close is Vereesa Windrunner, who serves primarily the Kirin Tor and Dalaran first, and maybe the Alliance second.

Blizzard doesn’t want high elves as they existed in the lore, because their story has progressed. What you think of as a high elf, is literally hermit obi-wan kenobi, not the jedi temple.

The point Blizzard is trying to get across is that WE ARE THAT THEME, and that theme belongs to the Horde.


Yes, But lord regent Lor’themar Theron is allied with the horde (for whatever reason, he should be neutral. like 90% of leaders)
But as it stands right now, the high elves are on the horde, and it will stay that way until the factions no longer exist.

The high elves are a HUGE draw to the horde, and having all the players and raiders on one faction strongly benefits blizzard. They only have to make that one group of people happy, and they milk money from transfers all day long.

It would be healthier for the game if there were no factions, (or at least cross faction PvE) because then blizzards primary people to please, would be the playerbase in its entirety.


You say this like it’s going to happen, either that, or that if it does happen that it’ll go over smoothly. This game as you know it will die and be reborn something you won’t like if factions are removed.

So, serves an Alliiance group turned a bit neutral due to some of their old members being on the Horde, that Windrunner is part of a faction that specifically opposes and think it should stick to its Alliance roots, and an Alliance city?

I don’t understand where this “Silver Covenant aren’t Alliance” argument comes from because even ingame they’re called part of the Alliance, and Veressa shows up during Legion’s PVP cutscene so, yeah, she’s Alliance given she’s celebrating you murdering the Horde.

But yeah, people wanted High Elves. If High Elves were modified into Void Elves per the whole Alleria thing and it was following on from the storyline that’s been in the game with TBC, WotLK, MoP and Legion, then folks would be happy. But instead, Void Elves are traitors to the BElves who poked the mystery box and their very existence gives strength to every anti-HElf argument due to being non-existent prior and due to their non-existent development

No, it’s not high elf fans. Nor is there any proof of who is flagging ANY of the threads.

I personally believe it’s trolls who have no opinion. Most of the ones for and against high elves enjoy having the megathread to discuss in.


If the factions are removed, Then all the high end raiding guilds will be on the same side, Like they already are. All the most populated guilds will be on the same side, like they already are. Most of the players will be on the same side, like they already are.

So on and so forth. Most of the love goes to the horde, so why not just end the faction divide and let it rest. The only change you’d experience, is the occasionally half naked draenei lady running around, and a ton of human paladins.

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