We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

Wc2 really wasnt that good. Wc3 was amazing on the other hand

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Why you getting so personal brah? Did i say something to you on a previous thread? Haha.

Exactly what was personal?

Oh that wasn’t a rumor. That actually did happen.

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Claiming you are making an assumption isn’t anything personal. You have a really weird view if you think anything I have said is anything personal lol. I can get personal if you want, but youd cry to blizz likely.

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Oh man this thread has me all mixed up. I can tell the difference between rumors and facts anymore

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High Elves aren’t happening because they already exist, have green eyes, and are called Blood Elves.

Blizzard pretty much shot down any possibility of High Elves via adding in Void Elves to the Alliance, so if you want to see play a traditional High Elf, the Horde has em. If you wanna play one on the Alliance, you have the blue skinned option in Void Elves.

Your better off on betting on Blizzard adding in a blue eye option for Blood Elf’s, and that’s a stretch because they already have golden eyes and adding a 3rd isn’t really fair to the other non-Allied races.


All this effort, for blood elves with blue eyes.


Easy there tiger.

So we’re moving on to patronizing then?

This garbage topic has been re-posted forever so it’s flagged for a good reason.


Hey when did you come in here?

When I flagged the topic.


FYI, the part about Ion (the lead game dev) saying, “If you want High Elves, the Horde’s their waiting for you” is true. It was mentioned on a Q&A stream ages ago.


I think there’s some sarcasm here directed to OP that you two might be not picking up on.


Did you even read the original post?

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I mean…yeah. And that shouldn’t be scandelous either.

if I want to play a dwarf, the Alliance is waiting for me.
If I want to play a gnome, the Alliance is waiting for me.
If I want to play a human, the Alliance is waiting for me.

I don’t get why people freaked out about that statement.


Because it wasn’t what they wanted to hear.


Sure did. It’s just another “alliance will get high elves” thread except this one is even worse because the OP tries to be funny but fails completely in the execution.


Also is not fair because I want purple eyes. For Royal elves, which are better than high elves and are absolutely not a concept I just this moment made up.

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