We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

A video like that? You don’t need an excuse to post that, I think it’s useful in any topic at any time.

I know, but now I feel like I wasted it…

See, this is why I stopped debating with people and stuck with just managing the list. Numbers are friendlier than people. Numbers don’t argue with you and don’t question your opinions or your preferences.

Numbers are just cold, hard facts that no one can debate.

Disappears back into the darkness from whence he came…


I cast magic missile at the darkness.

rolls a nat 20

Says you dead mon.

Don’t think I’m so fragile a single magic missile can kill me.

Besides, with my light armor, bonus to movement speed, stealth, forestriding, I’m faster than you and any of your heavy DK armor can ever hope to catch.

I’m long gone.

Unless you want to keep cheating with those loaded dice and get the ire of the DM…

it is not an accident there is a lack of actual alliance high elves in alliance territory like stormwind. they are described as remnants of remnants, far too low to have any kind of meaning or presence in the alliance. they are a minor NPC faction and most are neutral or tied up with dalaran…and the corresponding presence of the blood elves as a core horde race who represent the vast majority of the population and control the high elf state of quel’thalas, its capital silvermoon, all their armies like the magisters, blood knights, farstriders, its navy and even the sunwell… that is truthfully portraying the world

attempting to portray the world differently then that is not a reflection of its reality

That is because I am a Death knight, DM made class for endgame encounter. I get triple action, enhanced movement range, and I get first attack guaranteed in our encounter.

My nat 20 says you be dead mon. >=(

Last I checked “magic missile” wasn’t a Death Knight ability, so you’d have to cross class to get that ability, meaning you’re not proficient with it- ALSO meaning you don’t get your Death Knight bonuses to “Magic Missile” unless you’re a spellcaster of an equally high level.

Unless you’re hiding a level 120 mage under that plate (which would ALSO hinder your spellcasting adding an ADDITIONAL penalty to your casting) I think I’m scot free.

…Regardless last I checked DK’s cant see through stealth regardless of how powerful they are.

I still escape with minimal damage. (You shouldn’t have even been able to hit me with camouflage anyway man.)

I have an important question.

Where’s the mountain dew?

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In the fridge! DUH!

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you dont drink soda pop

Unless he’s a WoW story character class!

They can be bribed. :smiling_imp:

Wait, that makes me fighter…

I like swords.

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Oh jeez, I havent read that webcomic in forever…

Dangit I meant to just pop in! Stop making me socialize! XD

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Right, that reminds me, we need grey eyed elves.

although this is the first version I saw of it

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I’m a story character not a player character. I do not need to obey your mortal laws.

Just teasing by the way, love some DnD.

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Yeah I saw the 8-Bit Final Fantasy version I think on Newgrounds years ago. They’re the same aside from the visuals. I think the original was just audio.

Lol its fine. I was trying to see who could out play each other… I love D&D too… you can probably tell my favorite class.

I think people get too serious about this topic. Sure I’m pretty silly about my whole “list thing,” but in the end if it happens, great! If it doesn’t, its not the end of the world, and I’ve got the next best thing while still being on the Alliance.

Could be better, but also could be worse. I was kinda tired on getting stuck on ceilings with my Night Elf.

Yeah, don’t think I’ve seen any dead alewives video.

And I realized I didn’t use the right sword related comment earlier.

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