We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

Heavily influenced by my own desires?


Dude… I’m just talking about the lore.

Sounds like you ran out of ammunition to fight it. because of your own desires.

So. We’re done.

You weren’t able to refute anything I said anyways. So. There we go again. Reigning champ.

I don’t think you’re someone to say anything given the last topic you made regarding Teldrassil.

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Perhaps she could, but that wouldn’t be wiping out their race totally. The whole point of wanting to raise Veressa and Alleria is that she wanted to be reunited with them.


Yeah… by talking about political affiliation and not how they’re physiologically changed by magic?

Good attempt at deflection. But you’re not doing anything to refute how WoWs cosmology works.

I’ll keep waiting for some real counter arguments I guess.

I’m just going to cite Danth’s law here.

If you have to insist that you’ve won an Internet argument, you’ve probably lost badly.


The real question is…why did you choose those awful azerite general traits?

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Yeah. You wish.

You realize all the unfounded claims that I’ve somehow been refuted without anybody refuting me falls under the same law?

So you did it first.

Anyways. Done tonight.

They haven’t been changed, even if they were, they’ve been cleansed post TBC. :man_shrugging:

I didn’t deflect?

Thrall is green when neither of his parents were.

Dude, the only way you’ll consider something valid is if they agree with you. This constant pseudointellectual behavior is not helping you.


Nah. The only way I’ll consider something valid is if someone makes a valid point.

And then more insults. Pseudo-intellectual? Your last troll post on the other topic?

Anyways. You guys are just down to trolling and aren’t even trying to make any points. So. We’re done here. Have a good night.

So…this all resolved ?

Your insistence on what is, and is not valid, is the issue at hand.

How were you insulted?

You proclaim yourself to be an expert at this, that, or another, but you aren’t.


Waiting on Fyorsing to explain her armor choices and why they upset me.



Who knows, Azerite Traits are a stain on BfA’s legacy – they should’ve removed them entirely with 8.2.

…We need to duel so I can hit you repeatedly for those choices.
Blood siphon?


We need to fix this right now. Where are you in game right now?


Spamming HFC on all difficulties on my Fury Warrior. :stuck_out_tongue:

All of your points were disproven. The only thing you had in the end are some characters with the wrong eye color…

Which… isn’t relevant to the debate.

Like, if you talked about why their eye colors were different maybe you could make a point… you won’t. but maybe.

Fel magic turned Blood Elves eyes green.

One of them didn’t get exposed? has blue eyes? Alright. They can be a member of the Sin’dorei faction and not be part of the Sin’dorei race.

That just falls under the same category of Blood Elves with gold eyes or High Elves with gold eyes being a different race.

the magic that’s changing their physiology is what denotes their race. But not their faction.

Being a couple steps towards a Fel’Blood Elf, or just being a shriveled, arcane life support night elf makes you a different race.

So… shrugs Your point was meaningless.

Debating like this.

I’m going to bed. But hey!

Since you didn’t make any relevant points, you could try what Tarrok did and try and claim victory because I’ve pointed out that you’re wrong!

Hail marry Danth’s law.

Good luck.

Except, Magic does not determined what kind of race anything is.

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Stop it >=(
We need to fix this issue you have of…having…bad…ideas.

Danth’s law

Except they aren’t the wrong eye color?

It was in the context to which we were discussing.

Why would I?


Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei are the same race, just different political factions.
They may also be a blood elf who was simply not present in Silvermoon during implementation of the fel crystals.

All of this is wrong.

Physiology didn’t change.

Faction doesn’t change your race either. Kul tirans humans are still humans.

You didn’t even use Monty Python correctly.

He didn’t claim being right, he simply said you declaring victory doesn’t help your point.

Well, at least you understand what you’re doing doesn’t help you


I’ve been waiting to use this here… rolling was my queue.