We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

Man, I really need to re-read that. That comic was a gem. I hope its still up there, I wanted to re-read “Flintlocke’s Guide to Azeroth” a while back and I couldn’t find it.

Oh man, I actually played a dwarf warrior kinda based off Flintlocke in a dnd campaign. I just completely blanked on what else to do for a backstory. It ended up working pretty well (although he was a bit less over the top, well, other than the time I ended up making my dm make up rules for what happens when multiple fire flasks go off in an enclosed space…)

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If you were a bard, then I would just crack jokes about flirting with everything. My favorite is sorcerer.

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Imma just leave this here


with backup


That sounds like a lot of fun! I still have a bunch of Flintlocke related items in my void storage (like his chuckshooter) and a few of his enhancements that he taught you (like the one that enhanced your weapon to occasionally shoot critters XD)


You’re officially my hero man.

OK there is a big difference between someone bringing it up, and boosting that forum topic, and spamming forum topics to the point even people that want that race in game get tired of seeing them…


But people want the culture not some silly eye color.

Today might be the day…