We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

Sunreaver captain and assassin contradict this statement along with Lanesh Steelweaver.

This is correct.

They don’t, but they were in outland for a thousand years but did not get the green eye thing which is inconsistent with the lore.

Most did not. Furthermore, some crystals that existed prior to TBC were not fel crystals but use the exact same model.

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Well yeah, because Blood elf is a faction, not a race.

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This goes against everything WoW stands for its Blue vs Red talk about pandering to lowest denominator. Can’t see it happening but it is Blizz so who the hell knows

You’d have to prove that the sunreaver captain and lanesh aren’t just mistakes on implementing characters.

Additionally. It’s not impossible for a High Elf to be part of the Blood Elf faction, or vice versa.

Like… Valeera’s essentially part of the Alliance. But she’s got glowing green eyes. WoW always designates her as a Blood Elf, even when she’s working for Varian.

Follow the link I posted about the Allerian Hold elves. It literally tells you they don’t consume fel magic.

They’re also not keeping their buildings stuck together with fel energy or surrounded by fel mana crystals that they replaced their mana crystals with.

When you play Warcraft 3 the Mana crystals are very, very blue.

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considering Ion stated for a fact its being discussed this one is technically 100% confirmed…

faction fracturing is not confirmed and is merely rumor .

green. change your tv settings :wink:

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Eh. don’t be obtuse and cheeky.

It’s a misinformed opinion to suppose that Sylvanas, whose only recourse for expanding her holding is to raise others into undeath, would prefer to raise the entire contingent of High Elves that were accompanying her sister into her service instead of solely raising her sister and sending the rest to their true death? Do explain. :woman_shrugging:

You ask about an opinion.
I talk about my opinion.
You tell me to stop talking about opinions.

So the answer to this question is still, “you”. :man_shrugging:

Well, you could actually say, present some relevant information about the Thalassian elves as opposed to talking about everything BUT them and pretending that it proves your point.

This is essentially kind of a bullying conversation. I’m not saying you’re bullying me. I’m just saying…

You’re saying I’m upset. I’m not. But, if I say I’m not, then it’s just proof I’m upset, right?

and I’ve never flagged anybody for disagreeing with me.

Also as the intensity of a discussion elevates the more likely someone will say something hilarious like, “Fyre doesn’t misquote Ion.” and I’ll use emoji’s. Or someone will just blunder tactically. Have to remember I like debating.

Anyways. No point continuing this thread. But, it’d be nice if future conversations were less adversarial.

The fact they’ve been there for the past 5 years despite flags is an obvious indication of their intentional placement. Particularly since Lanesh has been used twice. So no, I don’t need to prove anything at all.

It’s impossible dude. The two are separate political distinctions which is why the encyclopedia explicitly states some high elves changed to being blood elves.

That is because Valeera identifies herself as a blood elf and defends the choice of her people, but acts solely on behalf of her personal alliances. She is not for the alliance in any formal fashion.

I don’t care.

Despite the fact it is explicitly stated those crystals being used as such because the sunwell was gone?

Design choices change from game to game along with character designs and place designs. The sunwell fires out a giant blaze of light in Warcraft, but in WC3, its a water fountain.

I’m pointing out how WoW cosmology works.

More obvious examples are more obvious and make better examples.

It demonstrates the internal logic of the setting.

Besides, I do talk about them.

It’s not like I’ve ever said they’re drastically different races. (You know. But they’re all dark trolls.)

It’s all pretty self evident.

So…you’re saying I am bullying you. Mmkay.


A lie

it only appears when you’re upset.

Would be less adversarial if you weren’t spreading misinformation.



I’m not sure if you’re just trying to be difficult on purpose or what.

So like… from this point on do we need to clarify when we’re talking about a Quel’dorei or Sin’dorei, The race? or the Faction?

And it doesn’t matter why they were using the crystals. Being surrounded by and using fel energy is being surrounded and using fel energy.

I don’t even know what you’re trying to argue about at this point.

Like, are you trying to claim Fel Magic didn’t make Blood Elf eyes green?

Because obviously that’s absurd.

Also, are you trying to claim that they just had glowing green eyes before? They didn’t do ANYTHING? Despite the developer comments and everything explicitly stating they did.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove.

haha. You’re just trolling at this point. Enough of that.

How so?

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the proof is the pro high elf community who put in bug tickets for these NPCs thinking blue eyed blood elves dont exist and yet they remain

oh and dont forget Rachele who sits smack dab in the middle of dalaran in the cafe


You presented your theories of how the WoW cosmology works, which seems heavily influenced by your own desires. You then parade that as proof of what you say and back it up with a good number of false equivalencies


TBH im starting to think that there is a paid anti-helfer lobby with how much time they spend arguing in these forums. Sheesh.

hahaha. Yeah man. Especially when they get duplicitous.

Maybe it’s a Russian troll campaign. They did it to Star Wars. “Lets make them fight eachother!”

How so?

The only reason anyone disagrees with you is because you, and several others push the notion of them being a different race. If you notice, no one disagrees with the political distinction, only the insistence on pushing it as anything besides being a political distinction.

Yeah, it does matter. I can use a chainsaw to cut down a tree, or I can use it to cut some ham in half. How it is being used is important. If they aren’t using it to sate their addiction, then they aren’t using it to sate their addiction.

I am very clear about it.

No, but I will point out the matter is inconsistent.

Nope, not sure where you’re getting the idea.

Simply that an eye color difference=/= becoming a different race.