We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

And your opinion was misinformed and I shed knowledge of why it was. Then from there on out you started to get anal with me.

Ok so which one of us was the one moving goalposts?

Wait, where is this rumor coming from, that factions are no longer going to be split by race…? First I’ve heard of it!

not the original magic no. the only way to get humans to help in the first war, was 100 humans had to be trained in ELVEN magic. high/blood elves can live for thousands of years. please learn high elven lore

People have been talking about it since there was a comment from the developers saying BFA would settle the faction conflict.

It didn’t say they would combine the factions. It’s a rumor.


Ah, I see, is there a link or something to the devs’ comments? I’d be curious to read!



You know, I was thinking that I was making things easier to follow by lumping in the Invasion of Draenor and the Expedition with the Second War. Evidently I did not.

Still, Quel’thalas left the Alliance after the Expedition left for Draenor.

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Apparently on the PTR, there are little horde/alliance symbols next to each toons name on the list. The rumor mill grabbed hold of it and started wondering if that would mean people would be able to earn rep with other factions/cities or something.

Ironically, same interview they talk about how the Alliance Horde divide is foundational and fundamental.

So… Telephone Game -

“The Horde and Alliance being divided are fundamental to our game. / It’s time to resolve the faction conflict.”


“They’re going to resolve the faction conflict.”


“Everybody is gonna be the same faction!”

What you miss is that the High Elves who disagreed were against consuming magic from soul stones. Soul stones come from death and trapped souls. They literally would have rather dealt with their withdrawals and all that came with it than debase themselves by killing things to sate their own needs.

It might seem like an arbitrary and trite distinction, but it’s not. Vegans, whether you agree with them or not, are pretty consistent in being “against” the things they don’t believe in. Would a vegan eat meat if they were on death’s door? Probably, and a High Elf probably would too if it seemed reasonable.

The point is that High Elves believed that they shouldn’t kill other living things so they could satisfy an addiction. Blood Elves believed that doing so was the only way to remain a people, or more accurately were convinced by Kael’thas that it was the only way.

High Elves left, or stayed away, because they were vegan. It just wasn’t compatible with how they saw themselves and how they felt they should behave.

It can’t be imaginary when something is dying for you to live. The High Elves disagreed, the Blood Elves didn’t. 90% of a people deciding to take the easy road makes sense, but it doesn’t make the 10% wrong, just different.

So far as we know, no High Elves sat at the table. The split occurred when Kael’thas offered his new method of sustenance.

We have little evidence that all High Elves make pilgrimages. We have evidence that some have made that journey. That’s not the same as saying all do. Even if they all did, that’s still not evidence that they’re the same political entity.

Speaking the same language is irrelevant, as all humans speak common and yet Kul Tiran humans aren’t Stormwind humans. Gilneas humans speak the same language too, and are afflicted with a curse but are human in their base form, are they also human? At what point does “you have the same base DNA” matter?

That’s really the problem. There are no High Elves in the Horde. There are Blood Elves.

High Elves and Blood Elves are the same genetically, but not politically. Trying to hand wave politics because of genetics is tedious and foolish.

Otherwise we might as well argue that Americans are Russians, and Russians are Africans, because the amount of genetic distinction is incredibly small. (Race is an outdated term, the amount of genetic difference between you and a random African american, or Russian, is less than the difference between you and a random woman from anywhere in the world.)


Blood Elves are what happens when 90% of a race gets killed and they change their name to honor them.

If it is just low intensity exposure to fel, wouldn’t the elves that followed Alleria into Outland have the same issue?

But again, you’re conflating major events or rituals of some power or another to a minor, reversible change in eye color. The demon hunters bind demonic essences to themselves, Illidan made his deal with Sargeras, the nightwell changed the nightborne over millenia of isolation, the Void elves were attacked and almost turned entirely to the void if they weren’t saved, again, the blood totem tribe signed up with the legion who changed them.

You list all those, then pretend that you can extrapolate that an eye color temporarily changed by minor exposure is the same thing.

You’re great with the lore so you don’t need any help.

But I’m always trying to follow along and throw anything in relevant…

But I don’t read anything Fyre writes anymore. I haven’t in months…

So it’s really hard. I have such limited context. haha.

Humans joined the forefront of Azerothian history during the Troll Wars 2,800 years ago. Concerned that the forest trolls were becoming too great a threat, the Arathi tribe of humans embarked on a campaign to conquer its rivals through combat and politics. By offering equality and peace to the people they conquered, the Arathi were able to form a powerful nation, Arathor. The capital of Strom was built, and the humans in the area that would later become Lordaeron, traveled to its protection.

_The high elves of Quel’Thalas, meanwhile, were in open war with the trolls. On the verge of defeat, they sent ambassadors to Strom to plead for assistance from the human king, Thoradin. In exchange for support, the elves agreed to instruct one hundred humans in the use of magic. With the help of the high elves, humans learned magic and waged a bitter war against the trolls that once spanned the entire length of the Eastern Kingdoms. Eventually, humanity won against the trolls and they lived in peace for several centuries.[10] However, the increasingly prosperous and independent city-states of Arathor later declared their independence; splitting into separate kingdoms: Gilneas to the west, Alterac, Dalaran, and Lordaeron to the northwest, Kul Tiras to the southwest, and Stormwind to the far south. Strom itself was renamed Stromgarde and remained a significantly powerful kingdom.

Don’t ever presume to “teach” lore to anyone Fire. I’m done with you.


If they do, it will literally be the end of “Warcraft”. Warcraft is based on the ongoing feud between horde and alliance.

Nothing will make me stop playing this game as fast as being able to make an orc alliance, or a gnome horde.

what did you prove here? you just recited what i said, im confused

there is also no mention of the expedition happening before the withdrawal. but what is mentioned is the high elves withdrew almost immediately from the alliance after the second war which they didnt even want to be a part of until they were forced to. someone would have to ask a dev

i honestly dont know how i feel about this faction thing

I know exactly how I feel…its bad news and I don’t like it.

That’s…what I was saying in reference to you playing with your cat.

I am not hoping you are upset, I know you are upset. You give yourself away when you start talking about all the ways you are not upset and start using emoticons. Or start going on about people harassing you and how they’re against you.

truthful and straightforward; frank.
How am I not being the above Callistus?

Except that they weren’t as I explained to you before.

Well, no, you learned your lesson about it I presume.

I don’t

So you agree with me then? Otherwise this is just another one of those “Callistus declares he won when he didn’t”.

I don’t lie.

You have dude.

You hope I wasn’t lying yesterday, and now you suggest I am a liar.

How do they harass them besides disagreeing with them on their behavior or arguments?

Good with kids too.

I’m just being honest :man_shrugging:

I totally thought you said Kael’thas XD
Christ I need to stop mining and posting at the same time.

Blood Elf faction. Not Blood Elf race.

Blood Elves are what happens when you get some Fel in your bones and it turns your eyes green.

The Blood Elf faction are the people of Silvermoon who renamed themselves after Arthas sacked the place.

Sin’dorei being synonymous with Fel infusion is just an ease of use bit. Eventually they’ll all have gold eyes anyways probably.

Also, The Elves who followed Alleria into Outland never consume fel magic. They even talk about it.


You see the Sin’dorei in Silvermoon directly draining magic from Fel crystals…

Blood Elf starting quests make it seem like they’re unaware that their “Burning crystals” are different from mana crystals. Though, who knows. Their eyes are glowing green and in the developer comments about BC they say say they follow Kael’thas’s ways.

change isn’t so temporary. Old developer comments said it takes a long time for it to fade. (But that it would eventually. presumably after they learn the burning crystals are the issue in the pc quest line.) Though they’re also using those crystals to keep Silvermoon stuck together.

I’m not sure why you don’t think you can extrapolate an eye color change that’s caused by fel exposure, as stated explicitly by the developers, to the rest. It’s pretty elementary.