We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

So with this, and your declaration of your English win, you’re going with

I see.

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-Again, NO, Quel’thalas left the Alliance after the Expedition closed the portal
-Even if they had, Alleria and her rangers were still part of the ALLIANCE EXPEDITION how are you being this dense??

I have no words

What do you think “being alliance” mean?


But the thing is, you’re not right. Yes, Magic has played some role to the evolutionary changes for example Highborne > High Elf or Nightborne > Night Elf. But that took a really long time.

But the thing that you’re incorrect on, magic does not mean a different race.

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the sunreavers are the people who had to train 100 humans in magic after the first war. that relationship led to the co founding of dalaran. the sunreavers have always been a part of dalaran. and new elves coming there would have simply joind them in the sunreaver enclave. its where their prince spent most his time and held court and met arthas and jaina. he would even fall in love with jaina here. the sunreavers are not blood elves who came with the horde in wotlk. they were already there. aethas was already there and on the council. thats why the SC formed. because of their newfound relationship with the horde which they saw as a betrayal. you have no clue about high elven as you continue to prove

Nah dude.

You can win the debate.

It might take an expansion. It might take a Dev Q&A answer.

Or maybe you can find some lore I haven’t run into, I don’t think that’ll happen, but it might…

Though, I feel like the Dev answer would have to be really well worded in regards to WoWs cosmology to be acceptable.

Look. Every single time we have the debate… people argue with me until they get to the final gotcha remark!

They always get to the point to where they’re like, “But you said they were all different races!”

When my premises is that each of the Elves with magical changes are all separate races OR they’re all Dark Trolls.

Without fail. Always ends in the same place. Every time.

So like. I don’t.

It’d be cool if someone could prove me wrong. It’d be new lore to look at and discuss.

Especially not brief exposure. We all spent time on Argus and Outland and nobody turned green that wasn’t already.

Lol justly flagged

Alleria Windrunner was a ranger-captain of Silvermoon who led her rangers under the Alliance of Lordaeron during the Second War.


so did she come back through the portal which they destroyed from the other side leaving them stranded in time for the second war? this is so easy to debunk

All you’re doing here is waving some papers around without showing anyone what’s on them, saying that they prove you alone are right and declaring victory.

You skip the actual proving part of proving your point and just shout it loudly and insult the people who call you out.

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How have Void Elves -the literal BE defectors- impacted their story?


Seems like a long shot? And if anyone has been thrown into the meat grinder, it has been the forsaken.

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It didn’t. Ren’dorei, Fal’dorei, Satyr… Highmountain Tauren…. all happens instantly.

Nightborne it took a long time…

Quel’dorei it didn’t actually take that long.

Time doesn’t matter. Intensity of magic matters. Typically intensity of magic comes from a creature with an abundance of that magic. Sargeras for Fel for instance. Or even Elune when she changed a satyr back.

In some situations it takes a long time because the magic isn’t intense enough.

Shal’dorei… and whatever the Arcan’dor is going to do to the Shal’dorei are a good example.

Though, not a great example. Because while it says it changed them over 10,000 years, how long did it take the NIghtborne to actually change?

Because they didn’t all just turn dusky skinned with runes right when we dropped into Suramar.

Fire, The closing of the Dark Portal is the end of the Second War…


It has everything to do with my opinion, which is what you asked for. Not sure what to tell you, snowflake. :man_shrugging:

You originally asked what informed an opinion I had.
I originally answered with what was informing said opinion.

Now you’re decrying the use of opinion in a discussion, following your asking about an opinion to begin with. :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:


Everybody can see the papers…

The issue is we’re talking about WoW cosmology…

Like I said… You want the citation… grab chronicles one. Start in the cosmology section.

Then read about how the dark trolls turned into night elves.
then read about how the night elves turned into quel’dorei, satyr and naga.

Then play burning crusade and see what a higher intensity of fel magic does to Blood Elves… Though, it’s kind of obvious, like, Illidan is definitely inbetween a Satyr and a Night Elf. So the end result of a ton of fel is probably usually Satyr.

Anyways. Then play Legion. check out what the Nightwell did to the Nightborne. There is a big movie about it.

Then play BFA/Legion and see what Void magic did to Ren’dorei.

Then go back to legion and see what happens to the blood totem tribe when they hang out with some Fel.

WoW sets its consistent, internal logic in Chronicles with cosmology and it’s description of how races are made… and then it follows that logic.

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Again, you don’t say one word about the High/Blood elves, you talk about a ton of stuff around them like the Felbloods.

Not one word about a significant change between the High and Blood elves. None.

Well. There are the High Elves that have been on Outland since the Second War too and they still have blue eyes.

It’s obvious the Blood Elf juice came from the burning crystals around the island mainly. But, they use burning crystals to make their buildings not fall to pieces too.

The Second War High Elves are living off draenei magic vessels which is why they dont’ get green eyes. Or more… see: Fel blood Elves.


I don’t like it in there either–that’s why I usually tend to outer spam threads like this one, if we don’t have a sturdy anti-thread up.

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lol there was a second opening… after the second war

The second opening

On the Draenor side of the Portal, the elder shaman Ner’zhul, Chieftain of the Shadowmoon clan, planned to open multiple portals that would lead the Horde to new, unspoiled worlds to conquer.[8] Powering these portals, however, would require several mystical artifacts from Azeroth: the Book of Medivh, Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras, and Eye of Dalaran. To procure them, the elder shaman reopened the Dark Portal using the Skull of Gul’dan and sent his forces through, who struck quickly and retreated to Draenor with the enchanted objects in tow. King Terenas of Lordaeron, convinced that the orcs were preparing a new invasion of Azeroth, assembled his most trusted lieutenants, including Khadgar and the paladin Turalyon, to form an expedition through the Portal to put an end to the orcish threat once and for all.Despite the Alliance counterattack, Ner’zhul finally opened his portals to other worlds, but he did not foresee the terrible price he would pay. The portals’ tremendous energies tore Draenor apart. The orc chieftains Grommash Hellscream and Kilrogg Deadeye—who saw that Ner’zhul’s portals would destroy their world, and his insanity would destroy their people—led their clans through the Dark Portal back to the relative safety of Azeroth. The Alliance expeditionary forces, meanwhile, remained on Draenor, agreeing to make the ultimate sacrifice by destroying the Dark Portal from their side in order to prevent that world’s destruction from destroying Azeroth as well.

You are taking Jaina’s words to mean that ONLY and ALL the Sunreavers are the original teachers of humanity, rather than. “The Current Sunreavers have in their ranks of the OG teachers of humanity.”

You went with your headcanon reading, with disregard of any context.

You cling to it so dearly, that you fail to see how little it matters to every other elf living in Dalaran that was not and is not a Sunreaver.


I have before.

Blood Elves are what happens when a High Elf -

(Which was a night elf, which was cut off from the well of eternity’s arcane magic, but then was sustained by the sunwells arcane magic)

is exposed to a low intensity of fel magic.

More fel magic = a Fel Blood Elf.
More Fel Magic = A demon hunter basically.
More Fel Magic = Illidan was getting close to be a Satyr.

Blood Elves and High Elves are mostly the same. There is a minor magical compositional difference… and since magic source Is what matters for an azeroth creature (not just trolls and night elves actually, Tauren do this stuff too) to change races… shrugs

High Elves don’t have glowing green eyes. Because they don’t have fel magic. and Magic is what determines what race they are.

Though their real race, is likely, Elf. Though we know that just means, “The people.”