We are going to get playable Alliance High Elves...in a manner of speaking

whelp i hope both of you can please ignore eachother in the mega thread… at least for a bit.

You sure you’re not upset? You keep making these statements about English, and all they do is provide support for the hypothesis of you being upset. Perhaps you would not be considered upset, if you did not suggest other individuals did not have a firm grasp of a language? Maybe not insult people passive aggressively? Maybe not get upset when they call you out on it?

Maybe use better insults that aren’t applicable towards yourself since you feel a need to bring out a dictionary that immediately demonstrates your lack of understanding?

Like this? Where it literally defines the very thing you say you’re not doing?

This is off topic dude.

Seems like you’re trying to justify your behavior with imagined wrongdoings to me. :man_shrugging:

He hasn’t.

He definitely has not.

Not her baby sitter. Let alone she hasn’t lied about anything said. :man_shrugging:
You guys are just fixated on her and Starla. You guys avoid me because I bite.,

Trolling does not mean people doing something you do not agree with or dislike. It is a matter of intent.

You know the definition but do not recognize it then.

That suggests an implication.
Anyways, you shouldn’t call people trolls when you admitted to flagging people when they disagreed with you..

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Dalaran was part of the Alliance in the same manner every other city/estate was part of the alliance. Ironforge was ruled by a King, Gnomeregan by a High Thinker.

What does that have anything to do with any city, nation or state being part of the alliance?

I mean he did have to return to Dalaran at what point, otherwise how did he get green eyes?? We do not know When he became a member of the council of the six, and we do not know if he considered himself part of the horde until The Nexus War. We do not know of how many elves in Dalaran considered themselves “Blood Elves” previous to the Nexus War.

Because up to a certain point they were all just elves, Fire. The Sunreavers is just the name the Horde Alligned Blood Elves of Dalaran gave to themselves.

Whether it was only Aethas who considered himself a Blood Elf previos the Nexus War and he brought in all the newly minted Sunreavers from Quel’thalas, or if All the Sunreavers were elves that even while remaining on Dalaran got green eyes somehow, or went back to Quel’thalas and returned to Dalaran during same unspecified time, Dalaran was still a part of the Alliance.

sorry even jaina acknowledges in game the sunreavers have been productive citizens for over 2000 years and helped them discover magic

the SC are the new faction

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Yeah we do. He didn’t consider himself a part of the Horde at any time since he was not around for it iirc.
He was also dead.
Dead people can’t have political stances.
Undead can though.

Dude, seriously, it is time to stop. Everyone has proven you wrong, and you’re still continuing on, as if like to say, “I’m always right.”

Please, just stop.

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Haha. Are you trolling me?

Do you want me to be upset? I’m playing with my cat with a cat toy.

aggressively waves rope stick

Anyways. I’m pretty sure you’re upset. Because you keep attacking me.

Also, I’ve never flagged anybody for disagreeing with me. I’ve flagged people for rudely harassing me. But… here we are.

Which is an established form of trolling.

Nobody proved me wrong.

If you’re talking about elf cosmology, nobody even came close.



Because the context is the context.

We’ve had a months long debate about “Kind of are.”

Which is an English discussion.

That’s not trolling.

A lot of people have proven you wrong.

As I said, all your doing is acting like, “I’m always right.”

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Nope, and again, Alleria and her rangers would still be part of the Alliance expedition EVEN IF SO. Good Grief.

A memorial… to an alliance Hero. That was part of the Alliance Expedition…

I don’t know how to put “Dalaran was part of the Alliance until the Nexus War” any more clearer.

Also even when the city became neutral some of its elven populave remained staunchly alliance and have so since.

And yet they are still an alliance faction.

You are trying to argue that the Silver Covenant, the part of Dalaran that refused to go neutral, is neutral.

Despite the last time we saw their leader in game being the Allliance Envoy to the Argus Expedition.

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nope, just being candid with you.

I don’t care.

Feeling attacked is not the same as being attacked Callistus.

Yes…yes you did.
In the original high elf allied race thread, prior to it being 404’ed; which is why you cannot be quoted on it anymore; I disagreed with you on a similar topic.
You responded by saying

“Flagged for trolling.”.
I would appreciate it if you did not lie Callistus.
in fact, you did so several times.

Well, considering it’s always the same cosmology debate and I’m always right about that cosmology debate, it’s not like it’s weird that my being correct is repetitive.

Anyways. No reason to continue this cyclical, “No you.” conversation with you. Let me know if you’ve got something other than declaration of victory where there was no victory. I’m always down to talk about some lore.

Nah dude. If you didn’t care. You wouldn’t care.

You wouldn’t keep hoping I was upset.

You’re also not being candid.

and for sure when I mentioned flagging for people, they were genuinely attacking me.

We’ve literally been arguing for two days and I haven’t told anybody that their behavior was making me flag them.

Sorry dude.

Yesterday you said you didn’t have anything against me as a person.

Today we settled the Ion English debate.

So I hope you weren’t lying yesterday and we can move on.

I’ve never flagged anybody for disagreeing with me. If someone trolls me, I will flag them. If someone harasses me, I will flag them…

and we’ve got what? Tarrok, Hecatone… you… trying to settle a personal vendetta against me right now?

For being rude? when you’re all rude to me? and when the other two harass pro high elf players?

Nice man.

I think you’re a cool dude actually. I don’t want to fight with you. We disagree about stuff. I like when we politely talk about it. This conversation today hasn’t been without low blows from you.

Good Grief.

Don’t you think that the Sunreavers, as a group, are called like that, because they are lead by a guy called Aethas Sunreaver?

Or what, do you think they were like a house in Dalaran despite the city being a magocracy?

But even if they were, all we know is the Sunreavers, if they were a family, have lived on Dalaran since the begining.

Like ostensively every other elf living on the city not called Sunreaver.

Good Grief.

yea they were a part of the expedition because turalyon was going and convinced her it was for the good of her people and azeroth? high elves were neutral after the 2nd war she wasnt alliance aligned at this time because she didnt need to be. now she is though

again they were neutral. they built a statue to her sacrifice along with the others. sylvanas put a plaque under the statue and went straight back to the farstriders in quel’thalas

only the SC

for the last time no one has ever denied the SC has alliance sympathies, and when dalaran gets involved they are allowed to act on those sympathies

Did you mixed up Aethas with Arthas?

In the Shadow and the Sun Aethas Sunreaver basically says he’ll defect from the Blood Elves to join dalaran with some mages no matter what.

Not sure if that’s relevant to your discussion. Been in deep tonight.